Hailey’s Shadow by L. Titus

Hailey's ShadowWhen I first started reading Hailey’s Shadow by Lori Titus, I wasn’t sure what to think.  I don’t normally read novellas, but what I had read about it made it a story I couldn’t pass up.  It’s a good thing too, because I was not disappointed.

Hailey is not your ordinary woman.

She’s been accussed of murder, arson, and a list of other crimes. But she also claims to be tortured by “shadows” that tell her things about the future.

The story revolves around 2 characters, Hailey, who sees shadows that tell her the future and ask her to do bad things and Adam, a therapist who wants to write a book about Hailey.  I found the interaction between these two so interesting and the stories Hailey tells Adam so captivating, that I thought for sure I would be left unsatisfied at the end of the story.  Thankfully Titus does a fantastic job of telling a detailed story in under 11,000 words.

If you’re skeptical of reading a novella like I was, Hailey’s Shadow is the perfect story to get you started.  You’ll definitely be disappointed that the story is over so fast, but you will NOT be left feeling unsatisfied.  The ending will likely leave you feeling chills and wanting to read more from the talented Titus; I know that’s how I felt.  This story took me less than an hour to read and I was spellbound from beginning to end.  I’d definitely classify it as a must read.

Also reviewed by: Worlds Well Written

About Lisa 30 Articles


  1. You’re very welcome! I don’t know how you managed to fit such so much detail into the story, but I’m truly amazed! I can’t wait to read more of your work!

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