RT Booklovers Convention 2010 Q&A for Literary Escapism

I just wanted to thank everyone who took part in my impromptu RT Booklovers Convention 2010 feature. I am so excited at the response that I have gotten and have scheduled two features to occur daily between now and April 30th.

At this time, my RT feature schedule has been booked and I have closed the original form with all the questions. However, I am more than willing to continue posting them for anyone who wishes to participate, but all responses must be emailed to me at myjaxon AT gmail DOT com.

The questions are pretty basic, just something to give a little light to both RT and yourself, so hopefully they won't be painful. Answers can be as long or as short as you would like.

Again, I will still post any responses I receive, so if you're willing, here are the questions::
  1. Can you introduce yourself to my readers a little?
  2. Can you introduce us to the world that you have created?
  3. Will this be your first RT or are you a veteran? Any advice for those who are going for the first time?
  4. Are you speaking on any panels during RT? Are there any you are looking forward to?
  5. If someone were wanting to meet up with you at RT, who should they look for?