On July 27th, Jaye Wells will be stopping by the Literary Escapism chat room to discuss all things Sabine Kane and anything else anyone wants to ask her. Here are the details:
- The chat will begin at 9pm EST on July 27th. If you’ve already had a chance to read Red-Headed Stepchild or The Mage in Black, please do NOT identify spoilers.
- To access the chat: go to http://chat.literaryescapism.com/, where you will be asked to log in. When you join, make sure you say “Hi!” so we know you’re here.
- To ask a question: send a private message (PM) to the moderator, Jackie, by clicking on my name in the participant list (it should be the top one), indicating that you have a question – you will then be added to the queue. I will then let you know when it’s your turn to ask a question. Caveat: I’m thinking of changing how to get added to the queue, so make sure you check the day of to see the exact details. For an idea, read below to offer any suggestions.
- Each person will get to ask their question, but please wait until I call on you. When the next person is able to go, I will also indicate the next person in line so they can have their question ready as well.
- Follow-up questions do not need to be added to the queue. If you want to ask if something can be clarified or have a question along the same lines, please don’t hestitate to ask.
- Please do NOT identify any spoilers during the chat. Not everyone may have had a chance to read the novel being discussed and we do not want to spoil it for them.
- If you think I’m missing anything else, please don’t hestitate to say something. You can email me at jackie at literaryescapism dot com or leave a comment below.
When we were first testing the room out, it seemed to work alright, but there were a couple of instances where people had trouble getting the page to come up after logging in. If you end up with a blank gray screen after login, try restarting your browser and clearing out your cache or any cookies. If you’re unsure how to do that, restart your computer. That will definitely do it. For anything else, send me an email at jackie AT literaryescapism DOT com and I’ll try to help figure out what is wrong. One caveat though, it is very hard to troubleshoot an issue without actually seeing it, so I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to help fix the problem. I do suggest that everyone tries to get into the chat room at least once (if you haven’t been in yet) before Thursday night if you don’t want to miss out on anything.
I am going to do something different this time around. If you’re unable to make it to the live chat or have a question you want to make sure gets asked, then simply fill out the form below. Something I am debating, and I welcome all thoughts on this, is using this same form during the chat as well. As in, if you have a question for Jaye, fill out the form and you’re in the queue. Before, I was using the PM idea and if someone started coming up with multiple questions, they appeared in the same window, so the queue got a little tricky. I’m thinking, with the form, everything is timestamped so the queue shouldn’t get messed up. *grin*