Most everyone reading urban fantasy has come across Laurell K Hamilton’s Anita Blake series. It’s probably the one series that everyone has a really strong opinion about and we want to hear them all. Join Larissa (Larissa’s Bookish Life) and I along with Katiebabs (Babbling About Books) and Natasha (Wicked Little Pixie) as we discussion the series from Guilty Pleasures to Bullet. Do you love JC? Richard? The leopards? Or do you think the series just needs to end the erotica mess that it is? Whatever you’re opinion, we want to hear it. So join us at Talk Shoe TONIGHT at 9pm EST and let’s discuss.
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Warning: We will be focusing on the series, so spoilers are going to happen.
Haven’t read the series yet? What are you waiting for?! Here are the books, click here for the books in order.
I really enjoyed the Anita Blake series, however I feel she has gotten away from her original storyline for Anita by becoming to embroiled in the physical side of the relationships. I am trying to put it nicely but the fact is for a while it became pornography and if I wanted to read pornography I wouldn’t be going to Barnes and Noble. She did try to redeem herself in the last book. She is such a good writer and I realize it has made her angry when people have criticized her , but she won’t Have a career if people stop reading her books…..Just one woman’s opinion, thanks for listening…Brenda Sessoms
Thanks for having the chat Jackie ,it was fun , I really enjoyed it :)