Before I get to the winners of the contests that just ended, I wanted to remind everyone about the current contests going on:
- We’re giving away a copy of Hannah Jayne’s a copy of Under Wraps or Under Attack – winners choice.. Contest runs October 25th – November 1st.
- We’re giving away two copies of Rebecca Zanetti’s two copies of either Fated or Claimed – winners choice. Contest runs October 27th – November 3rd.
- We’re giving away a copy of HP Lovecraft and ST Joshi’s The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories and Arthur Machen and ST Joshi’s The White People and Other Weird Stories. Contest runs October 22nd – 31st.
- We’re giving away a copy of Ben Loory’s Stories for Nighttime and Some for the Day. Contest runs October 24th – 31st.
Now on to the winners….
Inara Scott
I had the fabulous Inara Scott on Literary Escapism discussing Café Cubano and A Writer’s Life. While she was here, we gave away an ecopy of Radiant Desire. In order to enter, all anyone had to do was answer: If you were writing a book, and were looking for an excuse to travel, where would you set it? Let’s pretend money is no object – you can go anywhere! Now, without further ado, the winner is:
ERIN F who said: OOOOH. I’d set it in Australia *and* Ireland. Completely opposite sides of the globe, I know, but those are the two top spots for me :)
Thanks for the wonderful interview and giveaway! This book sounds fantastic!
Congratulations Erin!
Sara Humphreys
I had the fabulous Sara Humphreys on Literary Escapism discussing Dream Walking and the Amoveo and she even brought an excerpt from her new novel, Unleashed. While she was here, we gave away two copies of Unleashed. In order to enter, all anyone had to do was answer: What kind of dream related powers do you like? Can you think of more stories involving dream powers? Now, without further ado, the winner is:
ALAINA who said: Being able to see real things while dreaming would be cool. CC hunters, sherrilyn kenyon.. those are some of the main ones that pop into my head. And i think nalini singhs one of them sees things when she sleeps..
JENM who said: My favorite kind of dream power is precognition. I think it would be interesting to see future events. As for other books with this theme, I was just looking at Deadtown by Nancy Holzner, where the lead character goes into people’s dreams to fight demons that are trying to posess them.
I love shifter books so I’ll be looking forward to reading Unleashed.
Congratulations Alaina and Jen!
Theresa Meyer
I had the fabulous Theresa Meyers on Literary Escapism discussing Blending Steampunk and Paranormal Romance. While she was here, we gave away three copies of The Hunter. In order to enter, all anyone had to do was answer: What your favorite elements of paranormal romance and steampunk Now, without further ado, the winner is:
SANDYG265 who said: My favorite elements of paranormal romance and steampunk are the characters. I like to read books where I get involved with the characters and want to keep reading to find out what happens to them.
JESSICA R who said: My favorite elements are the alternate societies and chicks that can kick butt.
JULIANNE who said: My favorite part of Steampunk is the blending of history, magic and technology. Gotta love all the wicked and weird things that can happen in the genre ;) (and of course, in PNR that these weird beings can interact with humans and be loved). It definitely fires ye ole imagination. Interesting interview, Ms. Meyers. Good luck with the series!
Congratulations Sandy, Jessica and Julianne!
GA Aiken
I had the fabulous GA Aiken on Literary Escapism discussing why she doesn’t bog. While she was here, we gave away a copy of the anthology Supernatural, which includes stories by G.A. Aiken, Alexandra Ivy, Jacquelyn Frank and Larissa Ione. In order to enter, all anyone had to do was answer: Is quiet the way to go? Or would you rather authors throw caution to the wind and say whatever they felt they need to? Now, without further ado, the winner is:
SHARON S who said: stay true to who you are. If you have to force the interaction, then you will be miserable and stressed and that will show. Word of mouth is the number one reason I try new books. If a friend suggest something I read it. So for you…if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Keep doing what you do :)
Congratulations Sharon!
You have until November 5th to send me an email at jackie AT literaryescapism DOT com, with the contest you won in the subject line, otherwise I’ll draw a new name when I post the current contest winners.
yay thank you!!