Can you introduce yourself to my readers a little?
Hi, everyone! My name is Cynthia Eden. I write paranormal romance novels and romantic suspense tales. I’m a southern girl, I love chocolate, and I can’t wait to attend this year’s RT!
I can be found at: website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads
Can you introduce us to the world that you have created?
In my paranormal stories, anything goes. I love to write stories featuring vampires, werewolves, fallen angels, and demons. In my current “Fallen” series (Angel of Darkness) for Kensington Brava, my angels have recently lost their wings and plunged down to live with the humans. My fallen angels aren’t about goodness and light; instead, they’re dark, dangerous angels…and they always get what they want.
Will this be your first RT or are you a veteran? Any advice for those who are going for the first time?
Let’s see…I believe this will be my third RT, and I always have a great time at these events. So much to do! So many great people to meet! My advice? Pace yourself. Don’t try to do everything because you will just wind up exhausting yourself. And don’t be shy. I know, I know—these big conferences can be intimidating! But if you see someone new and you’re alone, just say hi. Start talking books. After all, you know you’ve got a romance love in common!
Are you speaking on any panels during RT? Are there any you are looking forward to?
I’ll be on a workshop panel called HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO—other authors joining me for the workshop include Lisa Renee Jones, Elisabeth Naughton, and Caridad Pineiro. We’ll be talking about what makes for a great hero—and anti-hero. Come on, don’t we all like those bad boys?
As for what I’m attending…so many! I love the craft and research panels, and I always make sure to hit the publisher spotlights (it’s great to see what new books will be coming out soon).
If someone were wanting to meet up with you at RT, who should they look for?
Look for the lady running around with a huge grin and, quite possibly, a chocolate bar in her hand. (I’m addicted!) I won’t be wearing anything flashy or fun—just me, with my red hair, blue eyes, and probably black clothes. See you there!!