I came across a couple of interesting treats today. Angie Fox has an interesting quiz going on over at her website. If you want to know what to find out what Your Biker Witch Name is, then go over and take her quiz. It’s really easy and simple and should only take you about 10 seconds. Not counting loading the page. :) My name happens to be Looney Libby No Brakes. Kind of catchy, but I haven’t figured out how that was determined yet.
Some really good news for me…my office is semi-unpacked. We’ve been in the house for 3 weeks now and I haven’t been able to get into my office at all. Everything was still in boxes and that includes all of my books. It’s a good thing I had some amazing authors send me books to review and I found a new used bookshop otherwise I don’t know what I would have done. I do have to admit, the reason it has taken me this long is because I wanted to get it painted first. Since I was laid up with a sprained ankle during the first part of the week, the grandmothers took Ian for the week and I was able to get the painting down this weekend. My ankle was doing good until I decided to do this, but it was so totally worth it. I’ll post pictures of my office with all the books I have once I get them all unpacked. I think I’m missing 1 or 2 boxes yet.
Make sure you head over to Ambers – she has an interview with Lynda Hilburn, author of the Vampire Shrink. I can’t believe she beat me to her, though honestly I can. I have an interview coming up with Ms. Hilburn as well, so please keep a lookout for it. There are different questions than what Amber asked, I promise. Anyway, Amber is also giving away an e-book ARC of the second novel in the Kismet Knight series, Dark Harvest, which comes out in October. So if you just gotta have it, then head on over and answer her question.
Something I didn’t know, Something Wicked has been having a lot of giveaways right now. I need to get over there and see what is going on.
An interesting question popped up over at Terra’s Book Blog – Should the rating system have such a demanding impact on how we perceive what a book is going to be like? Personally, to me, I hate having to do any kind of rating system because I can’t give books a number. It’s out of my comprehension level. That’s why I don’t have a rating system here. What does a number say about a book that I can’t say with words instead. And words make a whole lot more sense to me. I understand the idea behind a ratings system, but unless the criteria is spelled out in advance, the numbers/starts/etc really don’t mean anything. Not to me at least. What is everyone else’s opinion? Do ratings mean anything to you?
One last thing, make sure you check out my Weekly Geeks post for this week. I ask a very important question – which book do I read next?
And because it’s fun, here’s your literary cultural snippet for the day – Hamlet as done by the Animaniacs
Jackie! I can’t wait to do an interview with you. Your questions are wonderful. I’m working on them as we speak (or type).