Can you introduce yourself to my readers a little?
Hi there! I write contemporary and paranormal romance, new adult, and YA and 2013 my 50th book hits the shelves (gasp!). Hard to believe a decade of being published has gone by. I love horror movies, classic rock, martinis, and finding a spot on a couch at a conference and talking to everyone who comes near me for hours on end. All that time at home writing makes me hungry for conversation, so you’ve been warned.
I can be found at: website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter
Can you introduce us to the world that you have created?
My May release, TRUE, is my first new adult romance and I’m so excited to be a part of this new genre. For those who haven’t discovered new adult yet, it features heroines in the 18-25 year old range, the messy and intense and wonderful transitional years between being a teen and a full-fledged working adult. In my book, Rory is a sophomore in college, a pre-med student who is studious and quiet, and has never dated. Her roommates devise a plan to give her some experience with guys by paying a bad boy to hook up with her, only none one expects the two of them to actually have a genuine connection.
Will this be your first RT or are you a veteran? Any advice for those who are going for the first time?
I have been to RT five times and it’s always fun and informative. My advice to newbies is to be prepared to be overwhelmed. There is so much going on, so many costumes, so many panels, so many books, that you need to just go in knowing you can’t do everything, and be everywhere all at once. Plan out what panels you want to attend and plan out time to socialize in the lobby and bar, and most of all, plan to have fun! There is a great panel for first time attendees, so check that out.
Are you speaking on any panels during RT? Are there any you are looking forward to?
Wednesday I am on the contemporary panel, Thursday I am on the New Adult panel and will be at the Kensington social. Saturday I am one of the hostesses of the reader event, the Carnival of Curiosities. I am always at the parties and I will be rocking a salmon colored vintage polyester jumpsuit for the 70s party. It’s not every day you get to wear that with a fake fur, so I’m taking advantage.
If someone were wanting to meet up with you at RT, who should they look for?
Look for the woman with black hair and black fingernails, usually in the company of fellow author Kathy Love, with a Diet Coke in my hand (pre-dinner) or a cocktail (post-dinner). However, do not look for me before ten am as I won’t be out of bed. At midnight I can found on the dance floor. Never be afraid to approach me and say hello!
I love her books and great interview she sounds very friendly and approachable. Some auhors are and some not I rather not bother the unapproachable.