Can you introduce yourself to my readers a little?
I’m a writer of (mostly) fantasy for teens and for adults. My complete series include the Shifters and the Unbound books for adults and the Soul Screamers series for young adults. Upcoming releases include Menagerie, the first in a new series for adults, coming in late 2014 from Mira Books and The Star Never Rise, the first in a young adult duology set to debut in the spring of 2015 from Delacorte.
I can be found at: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | GoodReads | YouTube | Amazon
Can you introduce us to the world(s) that you have created?
The Shifters stories (Stray, Rogue, Pride, Prey, Shift, Alpha) take place in a world where shape shifters of several varieties live (secretly) alongside humans. In the Soul Screamers world, you might meet a bean sidhe, reaper, or mara without even knowing it–and really, you’re better off not knowing it. In the Unbound world people can be psychically bound to their promises, which leads to a horrific brand of indentured servitude, heavily exploited by two rival mafia-like factions.
Menagerie takes place in a world where every mythological creature/being you’ve ever heard of is real, and everyone knows it, but they’re not allowed to exist in freedom. The story follows Delilah as she’s exposed as a “monster” and sold into a traveling menagerie, where she’s put on display and forced to perform with all the other captive creatures. It’s a dark, beautiful, and eerie world that’s a lot like ours–if we were still into denying civil liberties to significant portions of the population.
Will this be your first RT or are you a veteran? Any advice for those who are going for the first time?
I’ve been going since 2005, so this is my tenth consecutive RT!
Are you speaking on any panels during RT? Are there any you are looking forward to or are planning on attending?
Yes, I’m sure I’ll attend a variety of panels, and I’ll be on the: YA: “When I Fall in Love” Romance in YA panel on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 – 3:45pm to 4:45pm
Is there anything in particular you’re looking forward to or experiencing while in New Orleans?
I always look forward to seeing old friends and getting to meet readers.
If someone were wanting to meet up with you at RT, who should they look for?
I’m not really sure how to answer that. With any luck, I still resemble my pictures! ;)
The 2014 RT Booklovers Convention will be held in New Orleans on May 13th – 18th at the Marriott hotel on Canal Street in the historic French Quarter. For the full list of attending authors, who will be signing at the Giant Book Fair on May 17th, here they are: All Authors, Young Adult Authors, and New Adult Authors.