As one of the #CMCon18 featured bloggers, I get to have a little fun with a few of the fabulous authors who will be hitting the beach for Coastal Magic 2018 by showcasing their many stories.
Writing short stories, even mini-fiction, can’t always be worked into a writing schedule; so for those authors who may not be able to let their characters play in the sand, I’ve invited them to a nighttime beach bonfire to have a drink, listen to the crashing waves, and answer a few questions of my own.
Joining me in the sand is Chelsea Mueller, author of the Soul Charmer series!
Chelsea Mueller
Can you tell us a little about yourself, something readers may not have heard before?
I’m an urban fantasy author based out of Texas. (Most of you know that part, huh?) I would credit Laurell K. Hamilton, Charlaine Harris and Jeaniene Frost for solidifying my love for character-driven urban fantasy…and heroines who don’t mind using their wits to solve problems.
The official bio reads: Chelsea Mueller writes gritty contemporary fantasy. Her novel Borrowed Souls is out now, and promises magic, mayhem, and sexytimes with a hot dude who rides a motorcycle. (You’re welcome.) She founded speculative fiction website Vampire Book Club, blogs about TV and romance novels for a variety of outlets, and is co-chair of SF/F charity Geeky Giving. She loves bad cover songs, dramatic movies, and TV vampires. Chelsea lives in Texas, and has been known to say y’all.
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Can you introduce us to the world(s) that you have created?
In the Soul Charmer series anyone with enough cash can rent a soul and sin to their heart’s content guilt-free. It’s still super shady, though, and the story’s protagonist Callie doesn’t want anything to do with it, but barters her way into a job as a repowoman for those who don’t return the rented souls. Sometimes you’ve got to do bad things to save family.
Will this be your first Coastal Magic or are you a veteran? What was it about Coastal Magic that drew you to it? Why have you continued to return?
I attended Coastal Magic last year and had a blast. It’s such a chill event that authors actually get time to hangout with readers—which I loved! I can’t wait to meet everyone and party at the beach together this year.
If you’ve been before, what is your favorite CMC memory? If you’ve never been, what are you looking forward to?
Tough call! Madlibs with quotes from books was pretty stellar, but dance party shenanigans might top it.
Which do you find is more central in your writing: the characters or world creation? Why?
The characters. Always. Understanding who your character is drives the story, and understanding how they interact with the world is what really brings the worldbuilding to a spectacular level. We’re always seeing these locales through the protagonist’s eyes. Without understanding her—her goals, her fears, her past—it would be difficult to understand how she views her world. Plus, I love watching protagonists grow over a series. Seeing Callie gain more and more agency throughout the Soul Charmer books is one of my absolute favorite parts.
When you’re not writing, what are you reading? Have you found an author that’s new to you and/or one that the rest of the world really needs to find? Is there a certain niche genre that you prefer to escape to? If so, why?
I recently read V.E Schwab’s VICIOUS, and thought it was brilliant. It takes the idea that the villain is always the hero in his own story to a spectacular level. If you love twisty plots that are entirely character-driven, it’ll be your jam.
Don’t miss your chance to meet over 50 fabulous urban fantasy, paranormal, and romance authors at Coastal Magic next February! This super casual book-lover weekend happens on Daytona Beach, and gives everyone the chance to hang out with fellow readers and amazing storytellers.
REGISTRATION is now open! If you haven’t been to Coastal Magic yet, you’re missing out on a lot of fun. Be sure to keep up with all things Coastal Magic, by following it via your own personal social media drug of choice: Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest | RSVP at the Facebook Event.