I’ve been in a romance mood lately and I have to say, Gwyn Cready’s Flirting with Forever was a very enjoyable read and was very easy to get lost in.
Art historian Campbell Stratford is about to make a name for herself with her scandalously sexy tell-all “fictographies” of famous seventeenth-century artists, but she’s more intimately familiar with her subjects than her eager readers can imagine. Thanks to a time portal she accidentally discovered, she has caused quite a stir in the Great Beyond. To save their reputations, the Guild protecting dead artists convinces playboy Peter Lely, portraitist to the king, to sabotage Cam’s latest project. A few hours posing on Sir Peter’s modeling chaise leads to a night of seductive passion—then Cam returns home and discovers his betrayal. But before she can turn her angry pen on her lover, Sir Peter makes a surprise visit to the future and transforms Cam’s twenty-first-century life into chaos of classic proportions. . . .
I don’t know what it is, but romance has really been catching my attention lately and Flirting with Forever was one that held it beautifully. The blurb is a little misleading, but honestly, that works in the novels’ favor. Going into the story, I was given the impression that Campbell (Cam) had been going back and forth in time for awhile, but instead, her trip was a total surprise to her. Simply being dumped into an unknown room, surrounded by a bunch of women, would throw anyone off their game, but Cam really goes with the flow. There were a few times, while Cam was in the sixteenth century, that really had me scratching my head – her cell phone worked? Seriously? However, she went with the moments and had her time with her artist. She didn’t adjust her personality or worry about what she could or could not do that would affect history. She was true to her character.
I think one of the best parts of this story was that it didn’t all take place in the current time or in the sixteenth time, but Cready spent as much time getting these two together for their one night as she did throwing them back together. Every time Peter and Cam interacted with each other, they kept true to their characters, regardless of the situation they were in, and it always worked. I do have to say that their chemistry was quite refreshing. Both of them went into their “moments” knowing they wouldn’t have forever, and generally this usually means a lot of sex, but they weren’t like that. Yes, they did have their moments, but that was exactly what they were – moments that meant something rather than for instant gratification.
There were a few things I would have liked to see fleshed out more, but they were minor to Peter and Cam. The roles of Jacket and Anastasia so should have been developed more or given less of an importance. I understand why they were added to the story, and that was needed, but so much more should have been done with them and they just seemed half-thought of. Does any of that make sense? It almost seems like Cready wanted them to do more, but wasn’t given the word count to do so. The impressions we’re given of these two, don’t always hold true throughout the story, but again, that may be a result of the cutting room floor.
Overall, Flirting with Forever by Gwyn Cready was a very captivating read and one I would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a new romance to tackle. We’re given a great look at an artists’ studio a la the sixteenth century as well as the intricacies of a romance neither Cam or Peter were looking for. Flirting with Forever comes out March 30th and is definitely worth a second look when you’re browsing through the bookstore at the end of the month.
So glad to see a good review. I loved Seducing Mr. Darcy and this is on my “to buy” list.
I am not a big romance fan but I have seen this book around and it continues to call to me. Thanks for the review!
I’m just finishing this one up. So far it’s been a fun read.