When I first started receiving requests for reviews from various authors and publicists, I was really flattered. Initially, I never even thought for a moment that being offered review copies was going to be an option or that I would even get to a position where I could accept or deny the review requests that were being offered. Since then, I’ve had to come up with a review policy and here is where you’ll find all that information. For anyone interested in being a guest, here is some general information on visiting LE.
Review Policy
Warning: I’m continually tweaking this as new experiences necessitate changes. This policy was last updated on January 26, 2015.
- Literary Escapism (LE) is a book review site that features paranormal and fantasy literature including, but not limited to: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, YA Paranormal/Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, High Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Steampunk.
- Please do not submit any novels that would not be classified as such. Any requests that do not fall into these categories will be ignored.
- We are unable to accept review requests for non-fantasy/paranormal genres due to the sheer volume we have received in the past. If you’re an author who has been reviewed on LE previously, or has a standing relationship with any of LE’s reviewers, a review request can be made but we offer no guarantees.
- The preferred format for review submissions is a PDF copy or NetGalley/Edelweiss widget.
- LE has a staff of reviewers, so your digital copy will/may be forwarded to someone within LE to read/review.
- LE accepts Advance Reader Copies/Editions for review and they must be received 45 days (print) or 30 days (digital) prior to it’s release date.
- Any ARC/Es or finished copies received within 45 days (print) or 30 days (digital) of publication will receive no guarantees.
- LE is not accepting published (finished copies) or self-published books for review.
- If you’re an author who has been reviewed on LE previously, or has a standing relationship with any of LE’s reviewers, a review request can be made but we offer no guarantees.
- Reviews may not be scheduled, but we will aim to publish any review no sooner than 2 weeks prior to publication. After release day, reviews will be posted at our convenience.
- We will make every effort to meet all requested time periods; however, the LE Staff is all voluntary and personal emergencies may arise.
- All dates are subject to change depending on circumstances without notice.
- Any novel sent for review, that is part of a series, will be judged solely on the novel at hand with no prior knowledge of the series. We offer no guarantees that we have read, or will read, the previous novels.
- Current stats can be found on the Advertising page.
- All reviews are copyrighted by Literary Escapism. Permission to re-post any review may be requested by the author and/or publisher of the work reviewed (upon request); however an excerpt of the review, with a link back to the review and/or site, is preferred.
- Reviews are only posted on Literary Escapism and are not cross posted to Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.
- Each individual reviewer may cross post a snippet of the review, but it is up them to do so and I make no guarantees that they will.
- If an ARC/E is sent for review and major revisions have occurred since we have received it, it is up to the author/publisher to send us a revised copy; otherwise the review will be based on what we have.
- Sending a book for review without prior communication does not guarantee a review and I will not send the book back if we do not review it.
Our Reviews:
For someone who wants to submit a review, here’s what I will guarantee from any of my reviewers. If you disagree with any of the following, you may want to reconsidering submitting your novel for review.
- We will be honest with our feelings and opinions. If the book sucks, we’re going to tell you that, but we’ll try and do it tactfully or in a constructive way.
- Negative reviews do occur and will not be removed/modified upon any request. Please don’t ask.
- If an author/publisher does not like one of our reviews…please see #1 and #2.
- If an author/publisher has a legitimate question about a review, we are more than willing to discuss it via email.
- LE does not use a rating system. LE will not incorporate a rating system for any reason.
Hopefully, none of what I’ve said is unreasonable.
Request a Review
Please contact Jackie at jackie @literaryescapism.com with the following information:
- Name / Position
- Title and Author
- Genre
- Publication Date
- Series
- Description/Blurb/Cover Copy
- Excerpt link (if applicable)
Please note: only those novels that are accepted for review will be contacted. Literary Escapism is currently accepting advance review copies sent 45 days (print) or 30 days (digital) in advance. We will not be requesting, nor accepting, previous novels in a series and any review will be solely based on the title presented.
FTC Disclaimer
Books reviewed here at Literary Escapism have been acquired by multiple means. Some books have been purchased by ourselves; some have been received by the authors, publishers, and publicists; and others have been received via third party services like Edelweiss and NetGalley. The only constant variable in all of our reviews is our blunt, and often brutal, honesty.