As I’ve said, I love promoting authors and their works. It is, after all, a vicious precious circle. In order for us to read the amazing stories in every author’s head, they need us to read and buy their works. So I will always work with an author who is looking for a free outlet to promote their novel. As long as your novel fits within the content of Literary Escapism, I rarely turn down an author’s request to visit.
Literary Escapism posted its first review in April 2006, and has evolved into more than one simple readers thoughts. We’re constantly looking for new and innovative ways to help get an authors name into the wild; but it takes an author wanting to take that step to see if it works. As part of our ever-changing process, LE’s visiting author policy is designed to help authors develop content that will attract a wider audience and hopefully introduce new readers to a new author while giving current readers something new.
For those interested, or simply curious, LE’s current stats as well as advertising information can be viewed here. If you’re looking for more specific or extra promotional help, we also offer virtual assistant, web content management, and publicity services via LitEsc Media.
Requesting a guest spot on LE
If there is a certain time period you are looking for, please include that date in your request. All dates are open until a time has been confirmed by myself and the author. When you send your request, including a certain date will help speed up the process immensely.
Please do not restrict your request to an interview. Any such requests will be ignored as time is always a factor. There is no guarantee we have read your novel or will have time to do so before sending questions. Plus, I tend to research an authors’ previous interviews so I’m not asking questions you’ve seen multiple times. I dislike sending questions merely because I have to.
Be open to providing editorial content. That will pretty much guarantee you a spot as long as such content fits without the focus of Literary Escapism, your work, or the publishing industry.
In the past, all author visits (aka guest posts) were scheduled on a Tuesday or Thursday. However I’m currently doing some reorganizing on LE and I’ve opened up all days as an option for author visits.
Before submitting a request to visit Literary Escapism, please read these (or what we like to think of) helpful tips:
I am really very flexible when it comes to author spots. However, I ask for a few things regarding the article:
- That it be an original work and has not been previously published anywhere else. LE will only post exclusive content, and such content may not be republished elsewhere for at least 30 days from the date it goes live on LE.
- That the article be at least 500 words. I will post whatever the author writes, whether it’s 500 words or 3000 words. Just remember, the purpose of a guest article is to attract new readers and/or offer current readers a new perspective. Longer articles can lose readers if the content is not entertaining enough, whereas short articles may leave the reader wanting and not in a good way.
- I am more than willing to post excerpts along with the article as long as they are no longer than 500 words and have not been posted anywhere else. If you have excerpts posted on your site, please send the links and I will include them.
- I am more than willing to post an exclusive excerpt in lieu of an article as long as it has not been posted anywhere else and is at least 600 words long.
If you do not have a topic readily available when you contact me, I will send along several suggestions for you to chose from. If you decide on a topic not provided by LE, please remember:
- It is best if the article is not exclusively about a certain novel. I am not about to guarantee that everyone has read your work, so focusing on the entire series, rather than the latest release, would draw more interest. The idea is to attract new readers while still giving something new and different for current readers.
- You don’t necessarily have to write about your novel. If there’s a topic you’ve been dying to discuss, or feel that others would be interested in, please don’t hesitate to share. This is definitely a way to interact with your readers, so don’t be afraid to use topics/viewpoints that can start a conversation. Don’t be afraid to be opinionated.
- To see what has been discussed at Literary Escapism before, or just to get a general idea, please don’t hesitate to browse through previous articles that have been posted.
LE does have a few theme-specific features that are posted through out the year. I also have a few currently in development. If an author would like to participate in any of the features, they are more than welcome to by inquiring when requesting an author visit.
Contests are a great way to generate interest in an author’s visit. It is probably the one thing that can guarantee a lot of traffic. However, LE is borderline non-profit since I rely on advertising and my generous readers to help support the site by using our Amazon links. As such, LE can not supply contest prizes.
If an author would like to do a contest, all the author needs to do is provide a rafflecopter widget or let me know what the prize is and I can take care of the rest.
At a minimum, all guest posts need to be emailed to Jackie at least 2 days prior in order to be posted by 8am EST on the scheduled date.
I am able to provide a link to the article in advance of it’s publication as long as I receive it at least 1 week prior to the schedule date. The link will not be active until 8am EST on the scheduled date, but it is valid to use for advance planning of social media promotion.
Review Copies
A review copy of the novel you wish to promote is not necessary to schedule a guest spot at LE. At this time, LE is only accepting review requests for advance review copies that are received 45 days (print) or 30 days (digital) in advance of it’s publication date and fall within the following genres: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, YA Paranormal/Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, High Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Steampunk. If your novel fits within this perimeters, please read our review policy for more information.
LE offers campaigns of one static image in the sidebar. Placement is determined on a first come-first confirmed basis. All placements are put at the top of the side bar, in order of purchase. For more information, please check out the Advertising page.
To schedule a visit, please email Jackie at jackie
Updated: January 26, 2015