MCard-Ward Against Death

What Casey Would Recommend

19 December 2012 Casey 1

When Jackie told me I had to come up with a list of recommendations, I was stumped. Not for a lack of recommendations; if anything, I have too many. I’ve practically spent this entire year ranting and raving about J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series. It’s impossible to get me […]

HKikuchi-Vampire Hunter D

What Natassia Would Recommend

12 December 2012 Natassia 0

I was pretty stoked when Jackie asked each of us to share our recommendations. I realized quickly when I joined the LE crew that I have a different taste in books from the other gals. For instance, zombies and a post apocalyptic wasteland are much more my idea of a […]


What Nicole Would Recommend

5 December 2012 Nicole 3

When Jackie asked us to come up with recommendations, I admit, I kind of panicked. You see, when someone asks me for a book recommendation, I usually spend at least 10 minutes chatting (unless I know you and already know what you read/like) with that person to get an idea […]

JRRTolkein-Lord of the Rings

What Nikki Would Recommend

28 November 2012 Nikki R 1

When Jackie mentioned this idea to us, I was all excited. Not only do I get to share with you my favorite books/authors, but I get ideas of books to try. It’s the best of both worlds! Although, I don’t know about you, but my wishlist is about a mile […]


What Jackie Would Recommend v3.0

14 November 2012 Jackie 0

When I first started Literary Escapism, I wrote up a list of recommendations based on what I had read up to that point. Two years later I updated that list; but as I was updating the About LE page, I realized it had been another two years. Seriously, where has […]