Do you enjoy reading and sharing all the fabulous stories you’ve been able to escape into? Have you thought about reviewing? If so, Literary Escapism is looking for you!
I’m looking for passionate and enthusiastic readers who want to share the stories they’re escaping into. Expectations include a minimum number of reviews submitted each month in one of the following areas:
- Genre/Niche Reviewer(s) – has an interest and knowledge of the Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction (including, but not limited to Science Fiction Romance), Fantasy (High, Epic, Dragons, etc), Steampunk, and Romance genres.
- Indie/Small Press Reviewer – has an interest in discovering and sharing the unsung authors of the non-NY publishers.
- Young Adult/New Adult Reviewer – has an interest and enjoys all the angst and drama that can only occur in Young Adult and New Adult novels.
- Beginner/Young Reader/Middle Grade Reviewer – has an interest in encouraging reading in young readers as well as introducing the Fantasy and Paranormal genres to young minds.
- Novella/Serial Reviewer – has an interest in those short stories that can be quickly devoured.
- Graphic Novel Reviewer – has an interest and love of the visual written story, from the known to the unknown.
- Film/Television Reviewer/Reporter – has an interest in film & television, both old and new, and sharing all the latest news from Hollywood.
- Comic Book Reviewer/Reporter – has an interest in comics, whether from DC/Marvel or from any of the other fantastic publishers, and sharing all the latest rumors and celebrations.
Editorial Positions Available
News Escapist
Do you like to scour the internet, looking for the latest news on your favorite authors? Do you hang out at Twitter, Facebook, and/or Google+? I’m looking for someone to help me compile all the latest industry news, excerpts, author appearances, and any other interesting tidbits that readers would be interested in. At one time, LE was publishing news posts 2-3 a week, and I would like to get back to that. However, with this new position, I’m looking to get one news post up per week, with the expectation of working up to 2-3 a week.
New Cover & Release Reporter
Are you constantly looking for the latest book covers to hit the internet? Do you stalk Amazon, GoodReads, Barnes & Noble, waiting to see which new titles have been added? I’m looking for someone to help share the latest covers on LE’s Facebook and Google+ pages as well as keep the New Release page updated.
Editorial Escapist(s)
Is there something you just need to talk/rant about? I’m looking for someone to contribute weekly opinion pieces on the varied topics trending in the book blogging community.
The Fine Print:
- Literary Escapism has gone digital for review copies, so an e-reader is a must. You must be a US resident to receive any print novels. The positions are open to international reviewers as long as you realized you’ll only receive digital copies.
- Understand that being an LE reviewer means:
- Free books are not a guarantee.
- There is no compensation for this position other than being able to keep whatever books that you review.
- Successfully complete a 60-day probationary period which will involve reading and reviewing your own books or ebooks prior to receiving any from LE.
- Upon agreeing to being a reviewer, I expect you to read and review all novels acquired through LE, regardless if you like them or not.
- Be willing to try something new. Edelweiss and NetGalley offer a wide range of titles and I’m looking for reviewers who are willing to take a gamble.
- All potential reviewers must disclose any relationships to the publishing industry. If you work for an author, publicist, publisher, etc, that’s fine; but that does determine which books you would be able to review.
- All potential reviewers can not currently review for another literary fiction (book) review site or maintain their own review site. I’m not looking to compete for reviews or the reviewers attention.
I want to join LE!
If you’re still interested in writing for Literary Escapism, please fill out the form below and Jackie will contact you shortly.
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