Samhain Publishing is offering a TJ Michael’s Carinian’s Seeker as a free read on both the Kindle and Nook until November 14th.
Diana Gabaldon has posted an excerpt from her new Lord John novel, The Scottish Prisoner, which could also be considered an Outlander novella since we’ll get to see Jamie in action as well.
Pocket After Dark has a snippet from Diana Francis Pharaoh’s upcoming Horngate Witches novel, Shadow City, which is due out December 27th.
Shiloh Walker has an excerpt form Lisa Renee Jones’ Storm That Is Sterling.
Jeri Smith-Ready tweeted a bunch of Shine teasers during this summer and she’s compiled them all into one post. Shine will be out in May 2012.
Lauren Dane has posted a snippet from her second Bound by Magick novel, Chaos Burning, which is due out in June 2012.
Author Appearances:
- Alexis Morgan, author of A Vampire for Christmas – All Things Urban Fantasy
- Alma Katsu, author of The Taker – Babbling About Books
- Caridad Pineiro, author of A Vampire for Christmas – All Things Urban Fantasy
- Cate Morgan, author of Brighid’s Cross – Sidhe Vicious Reviews
- Cecil Castellucci, author of First Day on Earth – The Book Pushers
- Diana Pharaoh Francis, author of Shadow City – PJ Schnyder’s blog,
- Jessica Scott, author of Because of You – Shiloh Walker’s blog
- JN Duncan, author of The Vengeful Dead – The Book Pushers
- Karalynn Lee, author of Slip Point – Galaxy Express
- Laura Kaye, author of North of Need – Paperback Dolls, Babbling About Books,
- Laurie London, author of A Vampire for Christmas – All Things Urban Fantasy
- Lee Bermejo, author of Batman: Noel – USA Today, IGN Comics
- Lisa Shearin, author of Con & Conjure – Book Chick City
- Meljean Brooks, author of Heart of Steel – The Book Pushers
- Michele Hauf, author of Crave The Night – All Things Urban Fantasy
- RG Alexander, author of Tempt Me – Bitten by Books
- Sophie Littlefield, author of Unforsaken – Suburban Vampire
- Stephanie Dray, author of Song of the Nile – Paperback Dolls
- Tara Lain, author of Deceptive Attraction – Paperback Dolls
There are always more fabulous covers popping up. To see them all, head over to facebook, where I’ve added them to the FB album for your viewing pleasure.
I’ve finally gotten the New Releases page updated. A printable version of the New Releases page was requested on facebook awhile back and that is now available.
PC & Kristen Cast have some fantastic news. Their House of Night series has been picked up by Samuel Davis Films to be a film franchise. Well a movie for sure, but Davis sees the potential for the franchise. Everything is still in development, so no there’s no tentative release date, director, cast, etc announced yet; but there will be in the future and that’s what counts.
Rachel Vincent has announced the title for her new Soul Screamers novella. Never to Sleep that will take place during If I Die and the narrator is still unknown. However, Rachel does answer a few questions about Never to Sleep.
Rachel Caine will be back in Michigan TONIGHT, but this time over on the west side of the state in Muskegon.
Dark Faerie Tales is looking for some help. If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at reviewing, and doing it for a great site, make sure you head over and fill out DFT’s application form.
Wicked Scribes has posted a couple of different updates on book release dates. I’ve already included these in the latest New Releases page update.
There’s been lots of cover blurbs being posted lately and Lauren Dane has the newest with her Chaos Burning synopsis.
The life of Lark Jaansen, hunter in Clan Gennessee, has been shaped by violence and unrest—and it defines her future. Well-trained and resilient, she’s met her militaristic match in Simon Leviathan, a warrior not of this world. Locked in mutual admiration, and a desire so hot it burns, Lark and Simon have something else in common: they love the dark, and as a shadow is cast over their world, they’re each coming into their own.
A mysterious war has been waged among the Others. As witches and humans turn against each other, as fae retreat in fear, and as vampires rise, Lark and Simon discover that an unseen force is behind it. A single, hungry entity older than recorded history has returned to gorge on the magick of his victims. He is the Magister, nothing less than the end of time. Finding him is Lark and Simon’s first hope. Surviving him is their last
I am so not amused. What does Jeaniene Frost mean that Cat and Bones will end in nine books?! I don’t want them to end and I don’t remember hearing that they were going to. On the one hand, I understand the need to end a series while it’s still going strong, but it definitely saddens me. Thankfully we’ll have Vlad’s series to keep us company (and we’ve been promised more) and there are 3 more Cat & Bones books coming out before the end.
If you’ve been curious to see how Elijah Wood was going to be involved in The Hobbit, the prequel story that takes place 60 years before The Lord of the Ring, then look now further. Blastr has found out exactly what role he’ll be playing (or I should say Frodo) and it’s going to work well.
io9 has four new Breaking Dawn clips that show some key sequences in the film.