Did you see the latest AAD Author visiting Larissa’s Bookish Life yesterday with her own After Dark on Bourbon Street story? You should totally go read it…like now.
After Dark on Bourbon Street
The conversation below occurred yesterday via phone between author Kris Cook and the archangel David from Cook’s Eternally Three series.
A passage from David’s first appearance in book 1 of the series – Perfection from the eyes of Jared – also an immortal:
“The archangel looked exactly as he had all those years ago. Behind narrow glasses, steel grey eyes peered out. Taller than Jared by a couple inches, his sinewy frame exuded elegance. He leaned against the wall smoking a cigarette. Forgotten, a blue backpack lay like a corpse on the ground at his feet. David’s dashing good looks resembled the grad students attending the nearby university. Jared knew better. The eyes told of the ages David had lived. How ancient, Jared didn’t know, but much more than his own four hundred and ten years.”
Cook was at home when the archangel called. David was in New Orleans.
Cook: Hello?
David: It’s me.
Cook: David? Why are you calling me at midnight? You know I have an earlier morning.
David: Too bad. I know you’re working on my story. Don’t deny it.
Cook: Why should I? Where are you? Where is Brooke?
David: I’m in New Orleans.
Cook: No kidding. I’m going to be there August 8-12 for Authors After Dark. It’s going to be a blast again this year. I’ve never been to NOLA before. What’s it like?
David: I’m here on business, Kris, not pleasure.
Cook: It’s Mardi Gra, right? Seen any of their famous parades?
David: *Sigh* Yes. Saw the Krewe of Centurions early today.
Cook: Wow. I bet readers would love that one. That’s an all male parade group, right?
David: Yes. They dress as Roman warriors.
Cook: Gotta love men who aren’t afraid to show some muscular legs. Is Vincorte stirring something up with his minions in New Orleans? Is that why you’re there?
David: Not exactly, but I am deploying some Alliance warriors here. There’s been some Dark activity around the French Quarter that I want to keep an eye on.
Cook: Oh my God! I can’t wait to see the French Quarter. I’m staying in a suite at the host hotel the Royal Sonesta in the center of the French Quarter on Bourbon Street. What restaurants do you recommend, David?
David: Can we get back to what I want in the book you’re writing about me?
Cook: Hey, buddy, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. Of course, I will be careful not to pull any feathers from your wings.
David: Real funny.
Cook: Now, about your restaurant recommendations…
David: Deliver me from authors. Fine. Antoine’s is exceptional. It’s been around quite awhile. I ate there in the late 1800s, and again just yesterday. If you love French – Creole, you love their food.
Cook: It’s in the French Quarter?
David: Yes.
Cook: What did you have?
David: You’re killing me, Kris. I’m not a travel guide.
Cook: Watch it, David. You may be an archangel, but I could just as easily figure out a way to turn you into a human.
David: Don’t you dare do that to me.
Cook: Answer my questions.
David: *Sigh* I had Oysters Rockefeller. They were great.
Cook: What about beignets? You know, those breakfast pastries square of fried dough you eat hot that are sprinkled with confectioners’ sugar. I’ve never had them but hear they are must try.
David: I had some wonderful ones at Cafe Beignet. It’s also in the French Quarter.
Cook: I’m going to be busy at Authors After Dark, but hope to get in some of the local history. Since you’ve been around a long time, what do you recommend I go see?
David: Well, I’m not sure. The French Market is pretty impressive. It’s changed a lot since I saw it first back in 1794. It was already three years old at the time.
Cook: What can I expect there?
David: It’s an open-air mall. It’s got a European feel with a uniquely New Orleans flair. There’s shopping, dining, and music. You’ll enjoy it. I do every time I go.
Cook: That surprises me. You don’t seem to like much, especially about anything from humankind.
David: I’m sworn to protect them, or have you forgotten that already?
Cook: Protect – yes. Value – not so sure.
David: Can we get back to what I called for now?
Cook: One more question first. What tour should I consider taking while I’m there in New Orleans?
David: How the hell should I know? Sure, it’s a city under my authority in the Alliance, and I’ve watched it change over the centuries to become what it is today. I’ve even been a part of protecting it during Dark attacks. Clearly, I don’t ever need to take a damn tour, Kris. Maybe I should retire and start my own tour company here. Why don’t you write that into my story?
Cook: Okay. Cool down. Just asking. You really don’t want to piss off your author, David. I’m just saying.
David: Is that a threat?
Cook: Nope.
David: Fine. What do you want to know?
Cook: I was thinking about taking a tour of the graveyards. I especially want to see the tomb of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau.
David: I met her once. Powerful woman. Take the Haunted History Tours. The night one is what I’ve heard is the best. Now, about what I really called you for…
Cook: *Yawn* David, I’m too tired to talk now. Seriously, can’t we talk tomorrow?
David: Deliver me from all humans. Fine. I’ll call you in the morning, Cook. You better be sharp and awake.
Cook: Sounds good. Have fun in New Orleans, David. You’re going to need your rest for what I have in store for you in your book.
David: Damn it. (Dial Tone)
Meet Kris Cook!
A military brat to the core, Kris Cook never put down deep roots in any particular geographic location. Until Texas. Why? Kris loves the sun.
A voracious reader, Kris loves many genres of fiction, but this writer’s favorite books are romances that are edgy, sexy, with rich characters and unique challenges. Kris’ influences include JR Ward, Lora Leigh, and Shayla Black.
Kris has won and placed in several writing contests in the past couple of years.
Kris’ motto: I like cooking up really hot books for my readers. The hotter, the better.
At Authors After Dark NOLA – Kris Cook and Melissa Schroeder will be hosting Saints and Sinners Open Bar on Friday right before the dinner with Convention Mistress of Ceremonies – Joey Hill
Kris is also the founder and author host of the weekly author chat – www.RighteousPerverts.com
Contact Info
Website: http://www.kriscook.net/
Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads
Want to purchase Kris’s novels?
Eternally Three
Secret Cravings at Amazon
Three to Play at Amazon
Contest Time!
Thank you Kris for taking the time to stop by Literary Escapism!
Kris is giving away a digital copy of Perfection. To enter, all you have to do is answer this one question: What New Orleans hotspot would you recommend or do you want to see? Remember, you must answer the question in order to be entered.
In addition to the fabulous prize above, Larissa and I are giving away two $25 ARe gift certificates, so be sure to answer the question.
Even though I’m not giving the additional entries any more, you can still help support the author by sharing their article, and this contest, on your blog, Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere you can. After all, the more people who are aware of this fabulous author ensures we get more fabulous stories.
The winner must post a review of the novel someplace. Whether it is on their own blog, Amazon, GoodReads, LibraryThing or wherever, it doesn’t matter. Just help get the word out.
The contest will stay open until February 28th at which time I’ll determine the winner with help from the snazzy new plug-in I have.
I have not been contacting winners, so you will need to check back to see if you’ve won.
Thanks for having me. I’ve been reading the previous posts and see some buddies of mine – Tilly Greene, Cat Johnson, Sophie Oak, and more. Great Blog LE.
I would want to see the cemeteries and go on a ghost walk.
I’ve never been to New Orleans but if I did I would want to visit some historical places, preserved and open to the public. If it’s haunted, the better!
What a great post! I’ve never been to NOLA but I really want to see the tomb of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau.
I’d like to see Boubon Street and check out some of the restaraunts
I can’t wait for AADNOLA – it is going to be a blast. Great comments from all. Thanks.
I have always wanted to see LaFayette Cemetary. It has been in so many movies and TV shows. It is mentioned in many books too. I would also have to visit many of the restaurants and cafes. I love Cajun/creole food.
I would love to check out the houses. I love the style of homes.
I’m all about the French Quarter! Thanks for the giveaway and the lovely guest post. :)
Maybe the French Quarter or a museum
I would love to see the French Quarter and the LaFayette Cemetary, go on a vampire tour and relex in the Cafe du Monde.
I would like to see the French Quarter and LaFayette Cemetary, but what I’d really love to attend to is the Anne Rice Annual Vampire Ball!
I really want to see LaFayette Cemetary on this trip to NOLA, I missed it last time.
French Quarter and the Residence Hall, a lot of historical buildings, I love museums as well so I’d visit some of them.
I would like to see the LaFayette Cemetery the next time I can go to New Orleans- I missed it last time.
I would like to see the French Quarter and LaFayette Cemetary.