Can you introduce yourself to my readers a little?
My name is Jeanne Stein and I write the Anna Strong Vampire Chronicles. There are currently seven books available in the series and the eighth debuts August 2012.
I can be found at: website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter
Can you introduce us to the world that you have created?
Anna Strong (The Becoming) lives in the contemporary world as we know it—with a few twists. Supernatural creatures are for the most part unknown to the population at large. She is a vampire who was recently turned through an act of violence. Because she still has many human connections, among them her family and business partner, she walks a tight rope between two worlds. She has to keep her new nature hidden and at the same time, learn to live with it.
Will this be your first RT or are you a veteran? Any advice for those who are going for the first time?
I think this makes my seventh. I began attending RT the same year The Becoming (Book 1) was published. I love it. For a first timer, I’d say, take it all in, participate in all the activities, go up to an author you’d like to meet and say hello. Don’t be shy! It’s your conference!
Are you speaking on any panels during RT? Are there any you are looking forward to?
I will be on three panels—a vampire panel, an urban fantasy panel and Seven Minutes in Urban Fantasy Heaven. I haven’t had a chance to look at the complete schedule yet to see which panels I want to attend.
If someone were wanting to meet up with you at RT, who should they look for?
That’s a tough question. I change my hair color and style like most people change their underwear…well, maybe not quite so often. But I’d say look for a kind of plump, friendly looking older lady with redish shoulder-length hair. I’ll be dressed comfortably and no doubt smiling because I do that a lot.