Here are some of the newest interviews to have occured:
- Jeri Smith-Ready, author of Wicked Game, by Sidhe Vicious
- Stephanie Meyer, author of The Host and the Twilight series by SheKnows
- Robert Pattinson about Twilight as compared to Harry Potter by MTV
- Ann Corey is guest blogging over at Bitten By Books today.
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog aired yesterday and the success was overwhelming:
Joss Whedon’s fans swarm to “Dr. Horrible” website, crashing it. “‘Traffic is through the roof…. We were hit beyond the servers’ capabilities,’ said Dr. Horrible co-creator and writer Maurissa Tancharoen, who estimated that the site clocked 200,000 hits per hour.” (Wired)
If you haven’t seen Act 1 yet, then get over there. You can check out my review here.
Make sure you go over and check out Fangs, Fur, & Fey today. Jackie Kessler got a surprise in the mail and she now has 30 copies of her new release, Hotter than Hell, in her hands and she wants to give them away. The novel is awesome, so make sure you get over there and enter whatever contest she has going. You can see my review here.
Entertainment Tonight has a new teaser trailer of Twilight. Some of the images we’ve seen before but there are a couple that seem to be new. At least new to me.
LOL, although I’m flattered as all get out, because I LOVE the Bitten By Books blog, the Jeri Smith Ready interview & contest is at my little blog, Sidhe Vicious Reviews. :) You got the link right and the blog name wrong hun, and I luv ya for posting about it!
Hugs, Judi
Oops! I would blame it on the motrin since I’m suppose to be taking it, but…stupid sprained ankle is messing with my head. It’s all fixed.