I love watching science fiction but when it comes to reading it, that’s where you lose me. I like to get lost in a story, but my experience with the SciFi genre has always been frustration and/or confusion. I understand that there needs to be a level of technological innovation, but when the author begins to info-dump, or explain the workings of whatever technology they’ve invented for their world, they tend to lose me. I don’t need to know how ever gear or gadget works. Give me the general idea of what it’s suppose to do and I’m good.
I’m not trying to knock the science fiction genre. Quite the opposite actually. I love watching it, but when I pick up books like Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke or I, Robot by Isaac Asimov, I get intimidated, so I’ve never explored it beyond that. Since I started reading urban fantasy, I’ve come across it more and more. Even more importantly, I’ve found science fiction that isn’t for the absolute hardcore SciFi geek. *grin* You’d be surprised which stories contain SciFi elements, may be considered science fiction, but don’t read like it. For example: Outlander by Diana Gabaldon or The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.
While I still haven’t read anything from Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, or authors with their writing style, I have tried quite a few others and I like what I’ve read. To be honest, I need a little romance in my story – a way for two characters to develop without relying strictly on a journey or battle – and the science fiction genre isn’t really known to have these elements. But there are books out there that include them.
There is one book that really drove that point home for me. Grimspace by Ann Aguirre is a science fiction novel, but it includes elements of romance that add to the story being told. There is politics, space travel and everything you would think a science fiction novel should have, but it also includes characters that are abrasive, honest, and so engaging that you can’t help but feel for them. This story, hell the entire series, isn’t just about the politics of their world, but of each characters personal journey as well. The emotional transition for the entire crew during the upheaval that drives the plot is so seamless that it just engulfs the reader. Honestly, there were times I was reading and it didn’t seem like a lot of time went by; and then I realize that it’s been hours because the characters lives were so interwoven, and yet independent, that it didn’t take any work to move between scenes. This is what I want in my stories. I want characters who grow and are more than just two dimensional tools who help make a plot come to life.
Because I’ve been too intimidated by the science fiction genre as a whole, it took me awhile to find these stories. Now that I have, I’ve been finding more and more that I like; and while some may say those are science fiction, they just take place in space, what’s the difference?! There are all kinds of stories out there in all the genres authors write in, one just has to look to find them.
So I want to say, if you enjoy watching all the fabulous science fiction movies and television shows out there, don’t let the science fiction literary world scare you. In fact, in addition to Grimspace, here are a couple other series you might want to explore if you haven’t already. If you’re a long time reader of science fiction, which authors/series would you recommend to someone who’s hesitate to jump in?
I hardly ever read SF, but I happened to pick up The Best of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord and I really loved it. It’s a SF road trip novel, so it’s more about the journey, rather than having a strong plot. There is a romance, but it’s understated (which is fitting since the male lead is a rather Spock-like character).
That sounds a little like GRIMSPACE, another novel that’s more about the journey than the plot. *grin* I’ll have to check out Karen Lord. Thanks!