Vampires and Good Men

Check out what I saw on amazon…Stryker’s cover! One Silent Night comes out November 4th and this is one shiny cover. Oooh yeah, I could go for some Apollite daimon right about now. Although, strangely, it’s coming out as a mass market paperback. I thought Kenyon’s novels were coming out as hardcovers now?

Yesterday was horror authors, so let’s do some classic authors for today’s Weekly Geeks quotes.

I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again. – Sylvia Plath 1932-1963

It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. – Sammuel Clemmens (Mark Twain) 1835-1910

We know what we are, but know not what we may become. – William Shakespeare 1564-1616

I get to draw the first name today for the first BBAW contest. The winner for a copy of Marjorie Liu’s Tiger Eye is….TRACEE. The contest for a copy of Dreammakers by Nora Roberts is going on now.

Urban Fantasy Land is asking people what they think about True Blood. I haven’t seen the second episode yet (stupid lack of cable), but I have gotten my hands on the first episode and I have to say I liked it. I also think, if you look at the show as an exact duplicate, or even supposed to be closely resembling the book, then people might not like it. I am personally judging the show strictly on it’s own merits, but I’m still enjoying seeing one of my favorite series up on the “big” screen.


  • Ilona Andrews, author of the Kate Daniels series, by Babbling About Books
  • Marta Acosta, author of the Casa Dracula series, by Danette’s Chatting Lounge

Jennifer Ashley is over at Something Wicked talking about If you like Author X, you’ll love Author Y. She’s also giving away a copy of Immortals: The Redeeming to a lucky commenter, so go over and check it out.

Guess what else I saw at Amazon…Kelley Armstrong’s Men of the Otherworld compilation which is going to have a bunch of stories in it as well as a new one with Jeremy. The novel is set to release January 27, 2009.

I’m not really sure how to start this next line of thought, so I’ll be blunt. Lisa Roe is an online publicist (now that’s a job I could get behind….where do I send my resume) and she’s guest blogging over at My Friend Amy as a BBAW Guest Blogger. She’s talking about how much an impact book blogging has had for her and it’s a really good read. Go over and check it out.

Jeanne Stein is writing about the Urban Fantasy genre over at Paticia’s Vampire Notes. There is also a contest going for a copy of her latest novel, Legacy, along with a set of magnets to one lucky reader. Jeanne has one quote in her article which pretty much sums up why I read urban fantasy and anything paranormal:

Which is why I believe Urban Fantasy is here to stay. It’s the “what if” factor—what if there really are vampires and werewolves and fairies and shape shifters? What if that strange old man living down the block is a warlock practicing the black arts? What if there is a secret community of supernatural creatures trying to exist and survive in a world not ready to acknowledge its existence?

Thanks to Vampire Wire, I saw’s Top 10 Vampire Chicks and I wasn’t really surprised by the commentary. Afterall, we’re talking about a list made by men, so of course the looks and sex were all apart of the determination. Or so it seems. However, I did find a couple of vampire flicks that I haven’t heard of and they kind of sounded really good. The one that sticks out for me was Quartier de la Madeleine which was part of the short collection film, Paris, je t’aime.  It stars Elijah Wood, so something has to be good, right?

About Jackie 3282 Articles
I am a 30-something SAHM with two adorable boys and a supportive husband who is very tolerant of my reading addiction. I love to read and easily go through about a dozen books a month – well I did before I had kids. Now, not so much. After my first son was born, I began to take my hobby of reviewing a little more serious and started Literary Escapism to help with my sanity. I love to discuss the fabulous novels I’ve read and meeting all the wonderful people in the book blogging community has been amazing.


  1. re: Kenyon/One Silent Night: Maybe she took pity on her fans and decided one HC per year is enough? :)

    I thought only the Dark-Hunter books come out as HC. The Dream-Hunter novels are pb, either. And OSN isn`t *really* a Dark-Hunter book, is it?

  2. Many thanks for the mention of my guest post on MyFriendAmy! Apologies for not thanking you sooner, but I was participating in a wedding in DC and just returned home. I’m really happy you enjoyed the post! :-)

    ~Lisa Roe

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