Nikki and Jackie hope you’ll join them today for Story Time with Literary Escapism, a bi-weekly feature where they showcase various children books that fall directly in the fantasy & science fiction genres, as well as books they’re enjoying with their young children. They’re talking boardbooks, picture books, those books labeled as beginner or newly independent readers, and middle grade – anything of interest to those readers who are not quite ready for the young adult genre. So they hope you’ll join them on the carpet as they share the stories that have captured their little ones imaginations.
For this week’s Story Time, we have author Alisse Lee Goldsberg stopping by to discuss capturing Middle Grade/Young Adult interest in Fantasy.
As a writer in this genre, I find that this is the age where interest in this genre tends to happen almost naturally. Fantasy, as a whole offers the reader a great chance to escape. As a genre, it allows anything to be possible. The writer has free reign to create worlds of infinite possibility. The reader can cavort with dragons, get rides with giants, and talk to a score of animals.
The growth of wonderful series for young adults in this genre is fantastic. The readers can explore worlds where people their age can be heroes wielding incredible powers. These books show young people that they can make a difference. They can be the saviour of a whole world. As such, these books are extremely empowering, and should be encouraged. Actually, I think reading of any kind should be encouraged in all people. I feel that books are a gateway to opening one’s mind and imagination. Creativity is an incredible tool in all facets of life.
As a writer and a mother, I write my stories for my children. They’re three years old now (triplets) and though they are too young for my books right now, I still write them for them. I want them to grow into voracious readers of all kinds of books, but my heart lies in the fantasy genre. This was the genre that first opened my mind, and I know it has done the same to countless other children, and so far, it has captured mine as well. Maybe someday they will move on from the world of Gruffalos and Wild Things to the world of Hogwarts and Faerie. One can only hope.
Meet Alisse Lee Goldenberg!
Alisse Lee Goldenberg is an author of horror and Young Adult fantasy fiction. She has her Bachelors of Education and a Fine Arts degree, and has studied fantasy and folk lore since she was a child. Alisse lives in Toronto with her husband Brian, their triplets Joseph, Phillip, and Hailey, and their rambunctious Goldendoodle Sebastian.
Contact Info: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | GoodReads |Amazon
If you haven’t yet, make sure you check out her new novel, The Dybbuk’s Mirror.
It has been nearly two years since the events in The Strings of the Violin, and Carrie has adjusted to life as a university student far from her friends. However, when the path to Hadariah is sealed, she starts to fear malevolent forces may be behind the other strange occurrences around her. Trying to contact Lindsay and Rebecca to get help in unraveling the mystery, Carrie discovers that her friends are in fact missing. With no way of knowing who to trust, Carrie must find a way back to the land she once saved to rescue her friends from the dybbuks’ clutches.
Reuniting with the dybbuk princess Emilia, and finding a new friend in the mysterious farmer Mikhail, Carrie must once again do battle with Asmodeus’s forces, and help stop the chaos that threatens to overtake the land while striving to save both Lindsay and Rebecca. For the first time, Carrie is working without the two friends who have helped her through every major decision in her life. Carrie must learn to rely on herself, and find her own strengths to save those she holds dear.
Want to purchase Alisse Lee Goldenberg’s novels?
The Dybbuk’s Mirror
Bath Salts: A Zombie Novel
The Strings of the Violin