BBAW: New Book Discovery

Today’s Book Blogger Appreciation Week topic is: Today we encourage you to blog about a book you read only because you discovered it on another book blog. Preferably, this will be a book you loved! You might also write a bit about the blog you discovered it on!.

This one is kind of tough for me. I mean, all of my books have been discovered via blogs or my PNR group. My first foray into the urban fantasy genre was through Laurell K Hamilton’s Guilty Pleasures, which I discovered after browsing through Walden Books at Union Station in Washington DC while waiting for my train to Jersey.  At the time, it looked interesting and was instantly hooked.  In the following months, I kept trying to find new novels from the same genre, but it wasn’t until I joined the Paranormal Romance Lovers Yahoo group, and discovered the blogging community, that I hit the motherload.  My measly list of books quadrupled within days and has since doubled.  There are so many authors out there that I haven’t tried and want to, that I don’t know when I’ll get to them.

Even now, I try to get to books on my list and then I hit the blogs I read daily – Alpha Heroes, Amberkatze’s Book Blog, Babbling About Books, Darque Reviews, Lurv a  la Mode, SciFiGuy and Tez Says – and they continue to add to my ever growing list.  How can I be expected to get my list down and to try these new authors when these fabulous people keep introducing me to new authors.  Mark Henry, Mario Acevedo, Jeanne Stein, Jacqueline Carey, Stacia Kane (for some reason a lot of the Leaguers are popping into my head), Joey Hill, Adrian Pheonix – all of these authors keep getting glowing reviews and I still haven’t read any of them.  This is going to be rectified by the end of the year since most of those authors are currently sitting on my TBR shelf.

I guess what I’m saying is it’s hard not to find a book I’ll love by browsing through the various sites who populate the blogosphere.  It won’t matter what kind of mood I’m in; I rarely leave a site without finding at least one book that gets added to my TBR list.  I’m probably the only person who thanks the good lord that books aren’t published as fast as everyone wants.  Waiting between books gives me time to try new authors and still read my fave authors.

I probably took this in a completely different direction than Amy and the rest of the BBAW staff intended, but it doesn’t matter what genre you prefer or what kind of mood you’re in.  Go find a book blog and I’ll guarantee that you’ll find a book that captures your interest within a half hour.

About Jackie 3282 Articles
I am a 30-something SAHM with two adorable boys and a supportive husband who is very tolerant of my reading addiction. I love to read and easily go through about a dozen books a month – well I did before I had kids. Now, not so much. After my first son was born, I began to take my hobby of reviewing a little more serious and started Literary Escapism to help with my sanity. I love to discuss the fabulous novels I’ve read and meeting all the wonderful people in the book blogging community has been amazing.


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