Jennifer Estep has unveiled the cover for her upcoming novel, Spider Bite, which is the first book in her new Elemental Assassin series. Spider Bite will be released January 26, 2010.
Here is your shopping list for this month:
November 1st:
Time Raiders: The Protector by Merline Lovelace (Time Raiders #4)
Hot Spell by Michelle RowenNovember 3rd:
Finding the Lost by Shannon Butcher (The Sentinel Wars #2)
Fade Out by Rachel Caine (Morganville Vampires #7)
Wild Blue Under by Judi Fennell (Merpeople #2)
Skin Game by Ava Gray
Apocalypse Happens by Lori Handeland (Phoenix Chronicles #3)
Born of Fire by Sherrilyn Kenyon (League #2)
Me and My Shadow by Katie MacAlister (Silver Dragons #3)
Heart’s Blood by Juliet Marillier
Magic in the Shadows by Devon Monk (Allie Beckstrom #3)
Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh (Psy-Changeling #7)
Crimson by Jordan Summers (Dead World #3)November 17th:
Betrayals by Lili St. Crow (Strange Angels #2)November 24th:
The Lost an anthology featuring J.D. Robb, Patricia Gaffney, Mary Blayney, Ruth Ryan Langan
Veil of Shadows by Jennifer Armintrout (Lightworld/Darkworld #3)
Nightchild by James Barclay (Chronicles of the Raven #3)
First Lord’s Fury by Jim Butcher (Codex Alera)
The Silver Skull by Mark Chadbourn (Swords of Albion)
Vampire Sunrise by Carol Nelson Douglas (Delilah Street PI #3)
The Better Part of Darkness by Kelly Gay
Torn by Julie Kenner (Blood Lily Chronicles #2)
Three Days to Dead by Kelly Meding (Dreg City #1)
Diving into the Wreck by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Flesh Circus by Lilith Saintcrow (Jill Kismet #4)
Galaxy Express has a great list of science fiction romances that will be released this month. SciFiGuy also has a bunch more urban fantasy, paranormal and science fiction releases.
There’s been quite a few additions to the New Release page, which I posted a couple days ago, but here are some that have popped up since then:
- 12/29/09 – The Phoenix Charm by Helen Scott Taylor (Magic Knot Fairies #2)
- 04/27/10 – Ghosts & Echoes by Lyn Benedict (Shadow Inquiries #2)
- 06/01/10 – Dark Oracle by Alayna Williams (Delphic Oracle #1)
- 2011 – Santitos at Large by Jaacqueline Carey (Santa Olivia #2)
I’m not sure if I’m digging the colors or not, but SciFiGuy has found a new cover. Ghosts & Echoes is the second book in Lyn Benedict’s Shadow Inquiries series, which releases April 27, 2010. The first book in the series is Sins and Shadows.
It’s been awhile since I’ve mentioned it, so I thought I would do it again. John over at Grasping for the Wind has the second edition of his SF/F/H Reviewer Linkup Meme still going. This means that if you review SF/F/H and your blog isn’t on the list, then you really should get over there and add it. If you’re not sure, I have the list posted here.
Speaking of Grasping for the Wind, John has posted another edition of Inside the Blogosphere and this time he was asking fellow bloggers what the best was their favorite book ending in their genre.
New Excerpts or Free Reads:
- Nalini Singh has added an excerpt up for the second Guild Hunter novel, Archangels’ Kiss.
- Suvudu has posted their November additions to their Free Ebook Library. This month, you can get copies of A Kiss of Shadows by Laurell K. Hamilton, Trading In Danger by Elizabeth Moon and The Best of Robert E. Howard: Crimson Shadows by Robert E. Howard
- Chloe Neill has posted the first chapter to her upcoming YA novel, Firespell.
- Ilona Andrews has posted a snippet for the second Edge novel.
- Kelly Gay has posted the first chapter for her debut novel The Better Part of Darkness.
- Katie MacAlister has also posted the second chapter to her upcoming novel, Steamed. Katie also talks a little about Steamed, which releases February 2, 2010.
- Rachel Caine has also posted the first three chapters of her upcoming release Fade Out, which is the seventh Morganville Vampires novel.
- Kelly Gay has posted the first chapter of her debut novel The Better Part of Darkness.
Kelley Armstrong has finished her 2009 e-serial and has the complete story available here. Kelley has also mentioned that the title to the twelveth book, Spell Bound, will also focus on the 21-year old Savannah. But before that, we have Waking the Witch and Kelley has posted the first three chapters online as a PDF.
Exciting news for Kalayna Price, author of Once Bitten. She has just signed with Ace for a mutli-book deal and has turned in the sequel to Once Bitten. SF Scope has all the details.
Did you notice that a couple of vampire novelists have been added to the Banned Books List in Texas?
Orbit is debuting two new covers that really caught my eye. It’s the covers for the first two books in the Griffin Mage trilogy by Rachel Neumeier – Lord of the Changing Winds (May 2010) and The Land of Burning Sands (June 2010). Don’t they look pretty?
Fifty-Two Stories has released their latest short story and this time it is by Blake Butler titled The Gown from Mother’s Stomach.
Ian McKellen will be returning as Gandalf in the upcoming Hobbit movied, which is being directed by Guillermo del Toro. McKellen recently told SciFiWire that the script is moving along (which is being written by Peter Jackson along with Lord of the Rings collaborators Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens) and that Gandalf’s part was written especially for McKellen.
Interesting…Jacquelyn Frank has a new series coming out in January with Hunting Julian, but I see that the title to the second Gatherers novel has been posted. It will be Stealing Kathryn. I’ll be honest, I haven’t heard much about this series, but there’s a blurb up and it sounds intriguing. The Gatherers are not a part of the Nightwalker world and is in fact, more science fiction romance than paranormal romance. Check this out and let me know what you think:
As an Advocate for his colony, Julian Sawyer travels to Earth to bring back the Chosen—women who possess energy potent enough to help revitalize his people. The stunning, silver-clad beauty who strides into his club one night radiates a sensual magnetism unlike any he’s encountered, and Julian realizes that Asia Callahan is not just Chosen, she is his kindra: his one true mate.
For months, Asia has tracked the beautiful and mysterious Julian across the country, convinced that he’s behind the disappearance of her sister and a dozen other women. She’s prepared to believe he’s a ruthless killer, but when she presents herself as bait, she discovers that the truth is far more shocking. Taken to a strange, hazardous realm she never knew existed, Asia will face the ultimate choice—between abandoning the life she’s always known, and forsaking a passion as dangerous as it is powerful.
Carrie Vaughn has announced that she just signed a contract for four more Kitty Norville novels, which will take the total number to 12, as well as the long-discussed Kitty short story collection (including the Cormac and Ben story “Looking After Family,” and the Cormac novella that shows what’s been happening to him over the last few books). Good news is that Carrie plans on continuing to write more novels as long as the ideas keep coming to her; however she does have an end in mind. So there will be an end at some point, but its not in sight yet.
Featured Novel: Angelic Avenger by Kaye Chambers, which is the first novel in her Angelic Avengers series.
Fetch a soul? No problem. Quell a little shape shifter rebellion? She can do that, too. Just an average day in the afterlife of Arabella “Bella” Morrison. Or, what she hopes will become an afterlife after restoring the cosmic imbalance caused by her suicide over a love affair gone bad.
Protect a willful fallen angel? That takes a little more teamwork than she’s accustomed to. Especially when the team includes Gray Devereau, a sexy, half-breed angel who’s got an eye on her—in more ways than one. Their attraction could set fire to Heaven itself. Normally not a problem for Bella, but Gray’s sights are set on something more than a fly-by-night affair.
New Moon will be hitting the theaters in another couple weeks and for those who need a refresher course, check out Mandy from Smexy Books guest post over at Pure Imagination.
Ann Aguirre has some exciting news. She’s just sold a post-apocalyptic YA to Feiwel & Friends for publication in Dec 2010 & Jan 2011. I’ll post more details as I find them, however, I did find the titles to the third and fourth Skin novels that will be coming out in 2011. The third novel will be Skin Privilege with the fourth being Skin Dive.
Maria Snyder has announced the title for the third Glass novel, which will be Spy Glass and will be available October 2010.
Also in new title news, Rachel Caine has a title for her ninth Weather Warden novel, which will be Total Eclipse, and will be available August 3, 2010.
Larissa Ione has announced a tentative title to the fifth Demonica novel, which will be Sin Undone.
Jenna Black has unveiled the cover for her first YA novel, Glimmerglass, which has an August 2010 release date. Other than hearing this will be out sometime next summer, there really hasn’t been that much put out about Glimmerglass. Has anyone seen a blurb yet?
Kerrelyn Sparks has posted the title to the ninth Love at Stake novel, which wil be The Vampire and the Virgin and will be released February 23, 2010. That’s all I could find, but I do know that the hero is Robbie McKay.
For those who joined me in the New Authors Challenge this year, I’ve posted the page for next years challenge so people can start signing up and doing their planning. I can’t believe people are already thinking of 2010 reading challenges.
Rachel Vincent announced some great news for fans – she has accepted an offer from her publisher for four more novels – two more Soul Screamers and two novels for a new adult series. So while the Shifter series will end next year, we’ll continue to get more from Rachel. Yeah!
Katie MacAlister has mentioned that the next Dark Ones novel, The Vampire Also Rises, will be out in November 2010 and will focus on Benedikt and Francesca (a/k/a Ben and Fran) as well as incorporating a few other types of beings in addition to the Dark Ones.
SciFi Wire is reporting that Charlaine Harris has announced the end for the Southern Vampire/Sookie Stackhouse series. In her recent interview with CNN, Harris said she has a contract for 12 Sookie novels and that will probably end out the series. It doesn’t sound like she was solid on ending the series at 12, but she doesn’t want Sookie to get played out.
Anton Strout revealed the cover for the anthology A Girls Guide to Guns and Monsters which features his story ‘Lupercalia’ and has contributing authors: Nancy Holder (of Buffy fame), Tanya Huff, Lilith Saintcrow, Jim Hines, Jeanne Stein, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, and more.
Cadogen House is live! Chloe Neill unveiled the newest tourist attraction for Chicago – Cadogen House, the resident of our favorite vampire master, Ethan Sullivan. Chloe has also posted the cover for the third Chicagoland Vampires novel, Twice Bitten, which will be out July 6, 2010.
If you’ve been waiting for more of Sunny’s Monere-Demon world, you’ll be waiting a little longer. In her newsletter this week, she stated that she will be starting a new paranormal series and will be placing Mona Lisa and Lucinda on the back burner for awhile. We’re hoping she’ll go back to them, but for those who dislike starting series that haven’t ended yet, I would hazard a guess and say you could start this one.
SciFiGuy has news for fans of Jacqueline Carey. There will be a sequel to Santa Olivia, which will be called Santitos at Large. However, since her publisher wasn’t aware of the existence of the sequel, it wasn’t planned for during the 2010 publishing season so we’ll get it early in 2011. Doug is also telling us that Jacqueline will have a story in the upcoming anthology Star-Crossed Lovers which edited by Gardner Dozois and George R.R. Martin.
Fangs, Fur & Fey is giving away a new Kindle in celebration of their 3 year anniversary. Contest ends November 13th.
Patricia’s Vampire Notes is giving away a copy of Vampire Taxonomy: Identifying and Interacting with the Modern-Day Bloodsucker by Meredith Woerner. Contest ends November 16th.
New Covers:
SciFiGuy has the cover for Shannon Butcher’s Running Scared (May 2010) and the cover for Gena Showalter’s Heart of Darkness anthology (January 1, 2010) which also features Maggie Shayne and Susan Krinard. Doug also found the cover for Rae Lori’s Within the Shadows of Mortals, the second novel in her Ashen Twilight series, which releases February 2010.
I was going to post the new cover for Maggie Stiefvater’s Linger, but it’s been popping up everywhere and I’m sure everyone has already seen it. So needless to say, the new cover for second novel in Stiefvater’s Wolves of Mercy Falls series, Linger, is out and will be available next Fall. Head over to All Things Urban Fantasy, SciFiGuy, Dark Faerie Tales or Angieville.
Babbling About Books also has quite the display of covers.
Rob Thurman’s Chimera (June 2010); Dakota Cassidy’s Accidentally Demonic (February 2, 2010); Richelle Mead’s Spirit Bound (May 18, 2010); Chris Marie Green’s Deep in the Woods (March 2, 2010); John Scalzi’s The God Engines; and the anthology Death’s Excellent Vacation (August 3, 2010).
Gerry Bartlett’s Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs (February 2, 2010); Alexandra Ivy’s Beyond the Darkness (April 6, 2010); Tate Hallaway’s Honeymoon of the Dead (May 2010); and Faith Hunter’s Blood Cross; Gail Carriger’s Changeless (March 30, 2010).
Nicole Peeler’s Tracking the Tempest (2010); Jeaniene Frost’s First Drop of Crimson (February 2, 2010); JR Ward’s Lover Mine; Rachel Vincent’s My Soul to Save (December 29, 2010); Jackie Kessler and Caitlin Kittredge’s Shades of Gray (June 22, 2010).
Leah Wilson’s Ardeur: Unauthorized Essays on Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Series (December 1, 2009); Lauren Dane’s Insatiable (July 2010); Jeri Smith-Ready’s Shade (May 18, 2010); Talia Gryphon’s Key to Justice (March 30, 2010); Mira Grant’s Feed (May 2010).
Amber Benson’s Cat’s Claw (February 23, 2010); Kelley Armstrong’s Waking the Witch (August 3, 2010); Kris Greene’s Dark Storm (February 2, 2010); Catherine Fisher’s Incarceron (January 26, 2010); and Cheyenne McCray’s No Werewolves Allowed (2010).
- Lori Devoti, author of Amazon Queen, by Silk & Shadows
- Lilith Saintcrow, author of Flesh Circus, by Publisher’s Weekly
- Charles de Lint, author of the Newsford series, by Publisher’s Weekly
- Richelle Mead, author of Blood Promise, by Penguin USA (Podcast)
- Tracey O’Hara, author of Night’s Cold Kiss, by Night Time Romance Reviews
- Kelly Meding, author of Three Days Dead, by Dark Faerie Tales
- Nicole Peeler, author of Tempest Rising, by Ellz Readz
- Maria Snyder, author of Inside Out, at Edge of Seventeen
- Anton Strout, author of Dead Matter, by Genreville
- Nicole Peeler, author of Tempest Rising, by Suburban Vampire
- Jane True, from Nicole Peeler’s Tempest Rising, by Cat & Muse
- Anton Strout, author of Dead Matter, by Flames Rising
- Diana Pharaoh Francis, author of Bitter Night, by Bitten by Books
- Melissa Marr, author of Wicked Lovely, answers questions on her blog
- Lori Handeland, author of Apocalypse Happens, by Bitten by Books
- Susan Blexrud, author of Real Men Have Fangs, by SciFiGuy
- Mindy Klasky, author of How Not to Make a Wish, by Maria Snyder
- Kelly Gay, author of The Better Part of Darkness, by Dark Faerie Tales
- Katie(babs), author of Babbling About Books, at the Book Smugglers
- Terry Garey, author of Silent Night, Haunted Night, by Amberkatze Reviews
- Julie Kenner, author of Tainted, at SciFiGuy
- Melissa Marr, author of Wicked Lovely, answers questions on her blog
- Mark Henry, author of Battle of the Network Zombies, at Bitten by Books
- Susan Blexrud, author of Real Mean Have Fangs, by Bitten by Books
- Jennifer Rardin, author of Bite Marks, by Bitten by Books
- Sasha Soren, author of Random Magic, by Ellz Readz
- Gail Z Martin, author of the Chronicles of the Necromancer series, at SciFiGuy
For a complete listing of all the October interviews, please click here.
Hey! Great newsletter! Just one little mistake on the purchase list for the month. Fantasy in Death comes out in Feb of 2010. The Lost Anthology with a J.D. Robb Eve/Roarke story comes out in Dec. :)
Thanks Leslee. I was wondering why I had two JD Robb’s on the list and for some reason the 2.23.10 release date for Fantasy in Death doesn’t surprise me.
Also, the Lost anthology has a release date of 11/24/2009, so that should be up there.
Great newsletter! I love looking at all the book covers. :)
Thanks for the link to my cover. I appreciate it! ;-)