I could go on about what I’ve been reading, or realistically how I have not read anything, but I’m more curious to know – what are you reading? Have you found something different? Something new? Something fantastical? What are you looking forward to releasing this month? In February? In 2018? What new pretties should I be putting on my radar (if they’re not there already)?
Okay, honestly, I just want to talk books and hear about all the fabulous reads out there. Especially the ones I’ve missed, because I feel like there’s been quite a few. After going to the bookstore this past week, nothing on the shelves caught my eye – nothing I didn’t already have that is.
So what book do you really want to talk about?
I’m reading the Maiden Lane regency romance right now, and reading Game of Thrones (I read it a long time ago, but never watched the show. So a group of friends and I are watching an episode a week and I’m reading the book as we go. I can’t decide if I want the joy of watching it without the book bias, or if I really want the background the book provides.
I also just picked up The Cruel Prince by Holly Black to start this weekend!
I don’t really know what book I should read next. I checked out a bunch of books from the library and I’m thinking History is All You Left Me OR Strange The Dreamer. I have no idea. I also bought The Bear and The Nightingale. Which one should I read first?