It’s time to announce a couple of winners, and unfortunately, I had to redraw one as well. Before we get to that though, have you seen the latest contests at Literary Escapism?
- We’re giving away two copies of Terry Spears’s Legend of the White Wolf. Contest ends Feb 2nd. You can see Karyl’s review of it here.
- We’re giving away a copy of Nalini Singh’s Angels’ Blood or Must Love Hellhounds (winner’s choice). Contest ends Feb 4th.
- The NAC Mini-Challenge featuring the League of Reluctant Adults beings on Monday and we’re giving away 35 different novels at the end of it. Click here for details.
On to the winners….
Institut Scientifique series by Melina Morel
Literary Escapism had a wonderful visit with author Melina Morel and while she was here, we gave away the first three novels in her Institut Scientifique series – Devour, Prey and Smolder. In order to enter, everyone had to answer the question: Are vampires and werewolves convenient scapegoats – even if they’re mythical – for what’s wrong with the world? The winning response belongs too…
BOOK CHICK CITY who said: I think newspapers will use anything to generate a good story and in turn sell more newspapers. And as they know that werewolves and vampires have a huge following, they will use them to increase sales.
Congratulations Book Chick City!
Spider’s Bite by Jennifer Estep
Jennifer Estep was kind enough to be subjected to one of my interviews and she was added a wonderful prize of her first Elemental Assassin novel, Spider’s Bite. In order to enter, everyone had to answer the question: Each of your elementals have their own specific rune, what would be yours? If you were an elemental, which element would you have?. The winning response belongs too…
MIRANDA who said: I would most certainly be a water elemental and my rune would look like a snowflake because I have a reputation for being an ice princess. Yes, all the connotations apply.
Congratulations Miranda!
Sense and Sensibilities and Sea Monsters
I still haven’t heard from Raquel, so it’s time to draw a new name for the copies of Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters as well as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Deluxe Edition, which was given away during Ben H Winters’ visit here a week or so ago. In order to enter, everyone had to answer the question: Queen Victoria, Lincoln, Pride & Prejudice, Tom Sawyer – all of these have been introduced to the paranormal, but what else would you like to see? Which classic or historical figure would you like to see get revamped? The new winning response belongs to…
MICHELE O who said: I think The Scarlet Letter is an easy answer: EVERYBODY who’s had to read it in high school wants to see THOSE people get eaten. Moby Dick is also obvious, for many of the same reasons.
Wuthering Heights actually is somewhat paranormal, although it could have used a vampire or two.
So, if we’re going to try to freshen up an old classic, I think I’d go with Dickens’ David Copperfield.
Congratulations Michele!
Contact Me
All winners need to contact me. Everyone has one week to send me an email at myjaxon AT gmail, otherwise I’ll draw new names when I post the current week contest winners next weekend. Please oh please everyone contact me though. I really don’t want to have to draw new names. :)
As always, I determined the winners by inputting all the entries into the List Randomizer, scrambling it up a couple of times, and then had the Research Randomizer pick a number.
Upcoming authors:
- Shelley Munro will be here on Tuesday, getting ready to celebrate the release of her new novel, Scarlet Woman.
- Teal Ceagh will be here on Thursday, getting ready to celebrate the release of her novel, Eva’s Last Dance.
OMG! Thank you so much! I’ve never one a blog contest before.. and then to win three books? I’m emailing right now :D
Of course I meant WON – see how excited I am! :D
Whoot! What a way to start the week… I’m sending the email now.