Continuing with The Eternal Kiss anthology, edited by Trisha Telep, the eleventh story, Passing by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie and it’s one I definitely like.
I’m really hoping Passing is the beginning to a whole new series because the world that we’re introduced to is definitely interesting and I want to see more. Basically, the story tells of this graduating class of vampire hunters right as they are taking their final exam – which happens to be hunting vampires. The main pairing is Jenn and Antonio and they have a few difficulties. There is a twist at the end, but it’s that twist that makes this new world so intriguing.
Honestly, the whole idea of the academy is quite brillant and I can totally see more stories coming from there – whether about Jenn and Antonio or other graduates/students. Both Jenn and Antonio were developed fairly well, plus we were given enough information on the supporting characters to know that any interaction will them would only enhance a plotline. I’m seriously hoping there’s going to be more set in this world.
Other stories reviewed from The Eternal Kiss:
Falling to Ash by Karen Mahoney
Shelter Island by Melissa de la Cruz
Sword Point by Maria Snyder
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
Undead Is Very in Right Now by Sarah Rees Brennan
Kat by Kelley Armstrong
The Thirteenth Step by Libby Bray
All Hallows by Rachel Caine
Wet Teeth by Cecil Castellucci
Other Boys by Cassandra Clare
Ambition by Lili St. Crow
All Wounds by Dina James
I’m pretty certain that this forthcoming book is a continuation of the short story:
Ooohh…Thanks Karen! I checked out the Wicked FB fanpage and there’s a blurb for the book!
Now I’m even more excited for the novel! I loved their story in The Eternal Kiss. :)
Thanks for looking that up, Jackie. I hate FB with a passion. *makes evil warding signs* heh.
You hate facebook? It’s so much easier to use than Twitter though. At least all the conversations are kept together. *grin*
Now I’m excited for Crusade as well. The whole Jenn/Antonio thing was great and I’m really hoping the other characters get expanded on as well. They were equally as fascinating.