Ian’s Current Favorites

Yes, I read a lot and I’m trying to get my 12 month old son to read as well. At the moment, he has a couple of favorites and I have to say that they are awesome. Here’s a review on some really good boardbooks for toddlers.

Goodnight Baby by Ibaby is a really cute interactive book for Ian. It involves six barnyard animals where you have to put each baby to bed for the night. When we first started this book, he really didn’t do much with it but follow the pictures as I read. However, the more we read it, the more he realized that he could put the babies to bed instead of having me to do it. Now he continually brings the book to either Jesse or myself and sits on our laps so we can read it to him. He doesn’t do this with many books, but he loves this one more than any of the others. There are more books by the Ibaby line and I plan to buy more of them since Ian loves them so much and can interact with them as I read.

Another really good book is called That’s Not My Dragon by Fiona Watt and Rachel Wells. It’s part of the Usborne Touchy-Feely Board Books and every page has something different for Ian to touch and feel. It’s a very simple and repetitive book, which is great for him, and each page is filled with bright vibrant colors that attracts his eye to each character on the page. Each book in this series/collection involves different textures , so you’ll never get the same feeling and that’s great for toddlers. Ian actually picked out this line when he was a lot younger while we were in Borders. I was pushing him around the children’s section and he just zeroed in on That’s Not My Kitten and he’s been hooked ever since.

And one that tends to be everyone’s favorite – Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown & Clement Hurd. I honestly don’t get the draw of this book, but Ian seems to have fun with it. This is probably the only other book that he will bring to either Jesse or I to read. We can go through it four or five times before he gets bored with it. The pages alternate between black/white and color, and every page involves the same image. The first page shows us a bedroom and each page thereafter involves an object that is in that room and we say goodnight to it. The book is cute and, normally, it isn’t one I would have thought to pick up for him, but I think it’s a good thing that we were given a copy of it.

There are a couple others that have his attention right now. For his birthday, he received these six Tiny Play-a-Song books where each is a nursery rhyme and has the corresponding music attached to the book. I’m not sure where my mother-in-law found them, but Ian loves pushing the button to hear the music and he likes to push more than one at a time. We’ve found that if you push all the buttons at once, it sounds like bagpipes.

So those are his favorites at the moment. I came across a list of the Top 50 Children’s books and had posted it on his website. I won’t post it here, but here’s the link to it.

Also reviewed by:
Well Read Child

About Jackie 3282 Articles
I am a 30-something SAHM with two adorable boys and a supportive husband who is very tolerant of my reading addiction. I love to read and easily go through about a dozen books a month – well I did before I had kids. Now, not so much. After my first son was born, I began to take my hobby of reviewing a little more serious and started Literary Escapism to help with my sanity. I love to discuss the fabulous novels I’ve read and meeting all the wonderful people in the book blogging community has been amazing.


  1. Hi Jackie…thanks for linking to my review, and now I know where to come when I need some good reads for myself! I love the title of your blog.

  2. Some other great books for toddlers are these GREAT teether books by Bright Starts. They are made of fabric and have some hard edges, plus they even beep. The two I have involving counting (in Spanish, English, and French) and another one that is a action game. Ian loves to snack on them.

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