Joss Whedon has teamed up with Dark Horse comics to give Angel a sixth season. I am a huge Angel fan and I was excited to hear the news when this project was announced. We’re six issues in and Joss has done it again. The comic picks up after the series finale where the gang goes up against the Wolfram and Hart army. We find out how everyone fared through the battle and we’re given a couple of surprises as well. Different twists and turns keep popping off and I can’t wait to see what else Joss is going to pull out of his head.
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When I go home to the UK next month I am going to have to go into some comic shops and see if I can find some of the Buffy and Angel issues.
I am not a huge comic fan but they look really good! Just don’t think I can get them here…
Oh I definitely want to see what happens next… I need to get the Buffy ones that carry on the series as well. Thanks for letting me know about this.