Of Sites and Covers

The Deadline Dames finally have a website, although there isn’t much up at the moment.  It’s still getting started, but once Toni Andrews, Keri Arthur, Jenna Black, Rinda Elliott, Jackie Kessler, Karen Mahony, Devon Monk, Lilith Saintcrow, and Rachel Vincent get started, I’m sure there’ll be all shorts of fun to be had.


In other Jenna Black news, the publishers of her new YA novel have finally decided to use her current name.  There was some talk about changing her pen name for the younger audiences (so they wouldn’t necessarily see the more interesting series of hers), but they’ve decided to go with Jenna Black.

I’m still debating on whether this is sexist or not, but Bookspot Central has this article posted – Best looking women on book covers fantasy and science fiction 2008 edition. Now, normally, I wouldn’t have anything against an article like this, because it is a huge part of the UF/Para-Romance genre and sex does sell.  However, there are certain parts that trigger the “sexist pig” thoughts in my head.  One example, here’s part of the critque for Patricia Brigg’s Cry Wolf: “The body is also awesome as well as the hair.  Problem is the wolf on the cover kind of gets in the way“.  I guess the part that really got to me was hearing the excuses on why a cover didn’t make the cut.  Most of the reasons (if not all) sounded similar to “I mean we could not tell you had breasts and you were a little hard to look at” or there’s the “You just look too young, do not need the police after us“.  I guess it’s just a matter of opinion, but I really don’t judge covers based on the model on the cover.

About Jackie 3282 Articles
I am a 30-something SAHM with two adorable boys and a supportive husband who is very tolerant of my reading addiction. I love to read and easily go through about a dozen books a month – well I did before I had kids. Now, not so much. After my first son was born, I began to take my hobby of reviewing a little more serious and started Literary Escapism to help with my sanity. I love to discuss the fabulous novels I’ve read and meeting all the wonderful people in the book blogging community has been amazing.


  1. LOL you covered the Bookspot covers link in your round up and I had meant to in my round up as well and completely forgot. Wonder if there will ever be a Urban Fantasy swimsuit issue (just kidding).

  2. I suppose it’s revenge for the years of discussions I’ve had with other women about which bare-chested romance cover models were the hottest. I’m pretty sure the dude on the cover of my erotic title, Witch’s Knight, sold a few copies. See what I mean:


    And anything that gets a man to actually read a book written by a woman is okay with me.

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