Review Submission Guidelines

When I first started receiving requests for reviews from various authors and publicists, I have to be honest, I was really flattered. When I started Literary Escapism, I never even thought for a moment that I would be in a position where I could accept or deny to review novels that were being offered to me (after all, I began this site as a way to share what I love doing – reading).

Since I started getting these responses, I have read some amazing books.  I love to read and promote the people who can write amazing stories for everyone to read, so I wasn’t exactly selective in the novels I accepted to review.  Needless to say, I’ve gotten a few that I normally wouldn’t have picked up.  Granted, that’s going to happen.

Now you’re probably wondering why this came up.  Easy – during one of my more recent requests, the author said he couldn’t find any guidelines and thought he would try anyway.  That got me thinking that maybe I should have something up here in the form of a “request” on how to submit a novel for review.  So here are my requests for submitting a novel for review.

  1. Please email all requests to myjaxon AT gmail DOT com.
  2. In your email, please include the title, author and a short synopsis (or a link to the books page).
  3. At this time, I am unable to guarantee reviews of electronic copies – I understand that books are going this way, but I haven’t caught up yet and have no easy way to read e-books except on my laptop (and my 2 year old hates it when I’m on the computer all the time).  – Edited to add: I understand this is the way publishing is heading, but unless someone wants to send a Kindle along with the novel…  :P  …however, I did change this guideline from “unable to accept” to “unable to guarantee”.  This doesn’t mean I won’t review your novel, I just can’t guarantee when it will be reviewed.

That’s it for guidelines, however, for someone who wants to submit a review, here’s what I will guarantee from any of my reviews:

  1. I will be honest with my feelings.  If the book sucks, I’m going to tell you that, but I’ll try and do it tactfully.
  2. If I receive a book before it’s published date (advance review copy), then I will have the review posted prior to the release date or on any date agreed upon between myself and the author/publicist.
  3. Any book I receive after it’s been published gets added to my TBR stack and I get to it in the order I receive it.
  4. If the novel is a part of a series, and I haven’t read the series before, I will generally read the novels before the newer book so I am not jumping in the middle of a series.  Sending any previous novels in the series will result in a quicker review since I won’t have to track them down.

Hopefully, none of what I’ve said is unreasonable.

Also, as I’ve said, I love promoting authors and their works.  I am always willing to work with any author who would like to write a guest post for Literary Escapism or is looking for another outlet to promote their novel.

About Jackie 3282 Articles
I am a 30-something SAHM with two adorable boys and a supportive husband who is very tolerant of my reading addiction. I love to read and easily go through about a dozen books a month – well I did before I had kids. Now, not so much. After my first son was born, I began to take my hobby of reviewing a little more serious and started Literary Escapism to help with my sanity. I love to discuss the fabulous novels I’ve read and meeting all the wonderful people in the book blogging community has been amazing.