Can you introduce yourself to my readers a little?
I write the Sabina Kane urban fantasy series for Orbit. My next release is Green-Eyed Demon, which came out March 1, 2011. For more about me or my books, check out
Can you introduce us to the world that you have created?
My series is about half-vampire, half-mage assassin Sabina Kane. In addition to vamps and mages, Sabina’s world is also inhabited by demons, faeries, werewolves and the occasional zombie.
Will this be your first RT or are you a veteran? Any advice for those who are going for the first time?
This will be my third Romantic Times. My best advice is to bring comfortable shows and drink plenty of water. Oh and don’t forget the pain relief for those hard mornings following a night spent in the bar.
Are you speaking on any panels during RT? Are there any you are looking forward to?
I’m on two panels this year.
1:00-2:00 pm WEDNESDAY There’s No Place Like Home: Worldbuilding in Urban Fantasy
11:15am – 12:15pm FRIDAY Social Media: It’s A Blogger’s World
I’m really looking forward to the screenwriting panels they’re offering this year. it’s always fun to learn about other mediums.
If someone were wanting to meet up with you at RT, who should they look for?
My panels are a great place to fine me. I’ll be wearing special Mardi Gras beads this year to promote Green-Eyed Demon. Failing that, I’m usually sitting in the middle of a loud group in the bar.