Black Friday is here and we’re discussing the season with Casey Daniels’s Pepper Martin from Wild Wild Death.
Her job has been cut, she’s low on cash, and her detective sometime- boyfriend refuses to even talk about her ability to see the dead and solve their murders. So Pepper is most certainly down for a vacation to get her spirits up. But when her cute scientist friend Dan is kidnapped, Pepper soon stumbles upon another deadly mystery that brings her to New Mexico. And she’s after a clever murderer-one whose idea of Boot Hill has nothing to do with Jimmy Choo.
Make sure you stick around to the end. We’ll be giving away a copy of Wild Wild Death.
It’s the night before Christmas and I’ve got a confession to make . . . I still have shopping to do! I know, I know . . . I should have been done a long time ago. And I would have been if not for the pesky dead. They keep asking me to solve mysteries for them, you see, and if there’s one thing about those who are resting but not at peace, it’s that they are persistent.
Finally, I’ve got a few minutes to myself, and I’ve got to dash out to the mall. I’ll head to the trendiest one in Cleveland, of course, in the trendiest neighborhood. At least my list isn’t all that long.
Ella Silverman
Ella is my boss at Garden View Cemetery and she’s going to be a cinch to buy for. She’s middle-aged and loves bright colors, beads, and anything that sparkles. I’ll zip by the jewelry counter and . . .
Oh, giant gold hoops. Exactly what I need to complete the outfit I bought for New Year’s Eve. I’ll pick them up, then look around to see what my mom might want.
Barb Martin
Mom lives in Florida and Florida, that means warm weather. I’ll look in the department that features resort wear.
Wow! A black, white and tan plaid print bikini, and it’s as cute as can be. It will look great with my flaming red hair and hey, a girl never knows when she might end up needing to look fabulous in some tropical place. Excuse me while I make the purchase. Then I can get on with my shopping.
Gil Martin
Dad doesn’t need much, I mean, what with being in prison and all. The feds take care of the basics, and understandably, they’re not crazy about big boxes of wrapped gifts. I could send candy, or books, but the shops that sell those things here at the mall pretty much bore me. Now if I could pack up some Ben & Jerry’s and get it out to Colorado for him, that would be another thing. I’m afraid I’m going to have to put Dad on the back burner for now. Maybe while I look around, I’ll get inspired.
Quinn Harrison
OK, I know word is going to get around, and everyone’s going to be talking. Why am I bothering to pick up a gift for Quinn when he’s been such a pain recently? Sighing here. Let’s face it, Quinn might be the most pig-headed and annoying man ever, but he’s as hot as a firecracker and we do have a connection. And I’m not just talking about how he’s a Homicide detective and I’m PI to the dead. I mean because he was dead himself (well, for a little while, anyway) a couple months ago, and how I’m still trying to get him to talk about the experience. After all, if I could get him to open up, maybe he’d finally believe me when I say I see dead people.
Quinn’s tough to shop for, of course, because he’s got way more money than any cop should have, and a wardrobe that belongs on the pages of GQ. So if Quinn doesn’t need anything personally, maybe I can find one of those gifts that keeps on giving.
Excuse me while I duck into the ladies lingerie department. Nothing says Merry Christmas like black lace.
Meet Casey Daniels!
Casey Daniels once applied for a job as a tour guide in a cemetery. She didn’t get the job, but she did get the idea for the Pepper Martin mystery series. Casey learned to love mysteries early thanks to her father, a Cleveland Police detective who enjoyed Sherlock Holmes stories and spent his days off searching for stolen cars—with Casey along for the ride. Later, she read her way through every mystery on the library shelves. Casey has a degree in English and a background in journalism and teaching. She is the author of two previous Pepper Martin mysteries, Don of the Dead and The Chick and the Dead, and lives in Northeast Ohio.
Contact Info
Blog: Little Blog of Murder
Social Media: Facebook | Discussion Forum
Want to purchase Casey’s novels?
Pepper Martin Mystery
- Don of the Dead at Amazon | Book Depository
- The Chick and the Dead at Amazon | Book Depository
- Tombs of Endearment at Amazon | Book Depository
- Night of the Loving Dead at Amazon | Book Depository
- Dead Man Talking at Amazon | Book Depository
- Tomb with a View at Amazon | Book Depository
- A Hard Day’s Fright at Amazon | Book Depository
- Wild Wild Death at Amazon | Book Depository
Contest Time!
Thank you Casey for taking part in Literary Escapism’s Black Friday!
Casey is giving away a copy of Wild Wild Death. To enter, all you have to do is answer this one question: Pepper still has some shopping to do, can you help? What would you suggest she gets for her boss and parents? Remember, you must answer the question in order to be entered.
Even though I’m not giving the additional entries any more, you can still help support the author by sharing their article, and this contest, on your blog, Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere you can. After all, the more people who are aware of this fabulous author ensures we get more fabulous stories.
The winner must post a review of the novel someplace. Whether it is on their own blog, Amazon, GoodReads, LibraryThing or wherever, it doesn’t matter. Just help get the word out.
All Black Friday contests will remain open until December 31st at which time I’ll determine the winner with help from the snazzy new plug-in I have. Have you checked out the other Black Friday contests yet? Check out the Master List to see all the Black Friday giveaways
I have not been contacting winners, so you will need to check back to see if you’ve won.
Pepper sounds like such a lively character. Perhaps a kindle for dad so he can read while in prison, perhaps a nice charm bracelet for your mom with trinkets that are special to her and tickets to a sporting event for Quinn.
For her boss I’d get her a weeklong tour of famous cemetaries. I’d get her dad a cake with a file in it and her mom a years supply of suntan lotion.
Awesome post!!! I haven’t read this author, but the series sounds great!
I’d have to say for her boss she should get her a jewelry making kit. Most of the beads stores have them and it would be fun. For her mom, maybe a cute sunhat and for her dad, a subscription to his favorite magazine?
Happy Holidays!
She should get everyone a case of micro-brew.
Loved the post.
Well for the boss, that was already answered with jewelry. For her dad I would just send a card…he is behind bars after all so what could he need. And for her mother in Florida…it’s hot so I would get one of those water sprayers with the fan attached to it.
I’d also consider a long, flowing skirt for Ella, a new lawyer for her dad and a plane ticket for her mom. We haven’t seen her interact with Pepper and that dynamic could be interesting.
I absolutely love this series and I can’t wait to read the latest installment!
I’d say for mom some nice beach wear and sun screen for those hot Florida days, for day some credits at the prison store so he can get things to make life more bearable. For her boss, I’d get that nice black lace lingerie and model it for him, he might appreciate that.
Barbed1951 at aol dot com
Oops, I guess since the boss isn’t a guy, what I chose wouldn’t exactly be appropriate. I’ll go with jewelry for Ella. :D
What great suggestions! Thank you, all. I will certainly pass these on to Pepper. The file in the cake . . . yeah, that would be right up her alley!
As for the person who mentioned seeing Pepper and her mom together . . . you’ll have to wait until this coming September and the release of “Supernatural Born Killers.” There are some surprises on the way!
thats a toughie.. how bout cheesecake of the month for the mom, a kitten for her dad.. for her boss.. ill go with a nice pin
For her dad a carton of smokes. For her mom scuba lessons with a local young hottie and for her boss a nice bottle of wine
teressaoliver at gmail dot com
just a christmas card for the mother. the boss likes go to concert with her teens, tickets to some concert
her dad. stamps for mail
For her dad, a book, for her mother some make up and for her boss a kit so she can make her own jewelry.
For Ella I’d get some new beads, kinda long and new age-y since that’s what she always seems to wear. For her dad I’d recommend books, since he has a lot of time to kill and for her mom, a gift certificate for a spa.