I said the School’s In winners had 72 hours to contact me, and well, it’s been a couple of weeks. So everyone has had plenty of time to send me their info. So for those who haven’t, it’s time to draw some new names.
As I said initially, with all the contests that went on during September, I’m going to do something a little different in announcing the winners. Instead of detailing everything, this is just going to be a quick list…that way I can get the winners posted faster and books can be mailed sooner. *grin*
Now let’s get on to the goods. Winners have 72 hours from the time they receive my email to reply before I draw a new name. Emails may or may not have been sent out depending on when you’re reading this, so if you see your name, don’t hesitate to contact me at jackie AT literaryescapism DOT com, with the contest you won in the subject line. Winners were determined by this snazzy plug-in I have and is completely random.
And the winners are…
- a signed set of Geist, Spectyr and Wrayth by Philippa Ballantine – Rachel (ra7_78)
- a copy of Riveted by Meljean Brook – Michele (Olsonmiki)
- copy of Fury’s Kiss by Karen Chance + Dory’s Favorite Things basket – Bubblewrapper (potownsol)
- a copy of of The Kingmakers by Clay & Susan Griffith – Michelle (ekaf1011)
- signed copy of Falling to Ash by Karen Mahoney – crahm (katerahm)
- a copy of Blood Forever by Mari Mancusi – Valerie (just.val)
- a copy of Blood Bath & Beyond by Michelle Rowen – Van (Shortnsweetreviews)
- copy of The Darkest Secret by Gena Showalter – Margay (Margay1122)
- copy of Intertwined by Gena Showalter – Cheryl (geoarchs)
- signed copy of Angel’s Flight by Nalini Singh – meyna (mnasser)
Congratulations everyone!
I’m only listing the prizes that haven’t been claimed yet. If a contest isn’t listed, the winner has contacted me and their prize will be on their way soon.
Hello! just wanted to drop by im new to the blogging world!
I sent my address already but wanted to pop in and say thanks. Really excited to see what’s in Dory’s basket.