In which I rant about conquering my mountainous TBR pile
This is the time of year where everyone is making lists. Lists about their favorite reads of 2012, lists of what they’re dying to read 2013 and lists about their 2013 reading challenges are going to be. I am a lover of lists, but I didn’t want my last rant to be just another list, lost among everyone else’s lists. Instead, I’m going to rant about how utterly impossible it is to defeat my TBR mountain.
After much counting, and using several hands, I discovered that I have close to 2000 books on my TBR shelf. Clearly, I’m never going to be able to read all of them. I could do it if I did nothing but read all those books and never find a new book in the next ten years. But that’s impossible. Not finding any new books, I mean. I’m pretty sure I find at least one new book to read every single day. Usually more than one. Sometimes as many as ten. Or a gazillion if I happen to go to a bookstore or library that day.
Here is where a list would come in handy. I could prioritize these books and go about conquering the list instead of a mountain. But do you know how many hours it would take to put that list together? A GAZILLION! Even if I did put in all my sweat, blood and time into making that list I can pretty much guarantee that I would not even follow it. Nope. I’d take one look at it and say, “Nah, I’d rather read something else.” Then promptly go find a bookstore to discover a new author.
Sigh. When it comes to reading, I have no discipline. I own so many pretty, shiny books and yet all I ever want is more pretty, shiny books. But would you expect anything else from a book addict? But sometimes, I eyeball my mountain and decide that some of those books are starting to look again. That’s when I head over to the mountain rather than a bookstore to get my next book fix.
Over the years, I have come up with ways to tackle my TBR mountain. Other than simply diving in. I mean, who in their right mind takes on a mountain without a plan? Even if said mountain is made out of books. It can be quite dangerous for your health.
- Putting the books in different, much smaller, piles. I usually put one or two stacks on my bedside table. That way, I don’t even have to try and remember to take a book with me to bed. There are several waiting for me right there.
- Someone else forcing me to read a book. 99% of the time that person is either Jackie, demanding that I get my To Be Reviewed Books read before the deadline, or my younger sister, who threatens to spoil the ending if I don’t start reading that book RIGHT NOW! The other 1% is when someone tells me I have to read a book, then shoves it into my hands.
- Knowing I’m going to meet that author at a con. I have been known to fangirl squee even if I haven’t exactly read that author’s books. But it’s so much better when I have. Then I can add specifics. Like, “THE HERO IS MINE! I DON’T CARE WHAT THE HEROINE SAYS, HE IS MINE!” (Just insert their names, and volia!)
- Colors. Sometimes a certain color, then go look for a cover with that color on it. Since most covers are very colorful, then I usually end up with a huge variety of books. If that’s the case, I grab one at random and start reading it.
- Instead of picking a color and going from there, I just close my eyes and pick a random book. The only problem with this one is that I usually pick one of the books right in front of me. This isn’t bad, it’s just a smaller selection. And it doesn’t help AT ALL with my kindle. Because I can’t literally touch any of those ebooks.
- The apple test. I just learned about this, but the apple test is when you turn the stem of an apple while singing the ABC’s and when it breaks, you have to read a book with the same letter. (That one is more ebook friendly).
Yep, that about sums up all the ways I know how to defeat my TBR mountain. Sure, there are other ways to defeat it but I’m too busy finding new shiny books.
In which I say goodbye to Casey’s Literary Rants
As you can tell from the title, this is indeed my last Casey’s Literary Rant. Life kept interrupting me and I couldn’t find the time or the inspiration to write a rant every single week, no matter how much I wanted to. But fear not! I’ll still be ranting. Only this time, the rest of the girls here at LE are joining me. Now, we’ll each get our own week to rant and rave and basically say whatever we want. *grin*
I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has read Casey’s Literary Rants. Everyone who read them, laughed at them, commented, or told me just how crazy I am. I love all of you. *big hugs* Even though the name is changing, I’ll still be here ranting and raving and being my usual crazy self.
Editor’s Note: We’re still in the renaming process and looking for some help. It’s hard to come up with a new name that encompasses the Paranormal, Steampunk and Science Fiction and all the ranty fun Casey has had. To say thank you for all the suggestions, we’re giving away a few books and there’s still time to enter – contest closes once a new name is picked.
Thanks for the fun post!!! As one book addict to another… amen sista :) You actually made me feel better that I’m not alone in my book addiction crazies.
Wow! 2000! I can’t even imagine owning all those books! Your ways of choosing books are very imaginative and cool :D I’ll try them as well.
Haha! I don’t own all of them. Just about 3/4 of them. And a ton are on my Kindle. *grin*
I have to say, you’ve got me beat. If I only count books I’ve paid for, I’ve probably got 300 or so on the TBR mountain of doom. If I throw in all the Kindle freebies that I’ve downloaded, I’ve got at least 1,000, maybe more. I don’t know exactly because I’m too scared to actually count them up. It’s easier to stay in denial if I don’t know the exact number LOL.