Hostage to Pleasure Contest

Nalini Singh is running an awesome contest over at her blog to celebrate the release of Hostage to Pleasure, which comes out in one week (Sept. 2nd). The winner is given a $75 gift certificate and all you have to do is:

(a) Do a post on your blog, livejournal, myspace, facebook or website etc, where you answer at least one of the questions below. You can do all three questions if you like!

  1. Which fictional hero (from books, tv, movies…) would you most like to hold hostage?
  2. Which fictional hero would you most like to be held hostage by?
  3. Which fictional world would you most like to be held hostage in?

(b) link back to this post & mention the contest
(c) post the cover of Hostage to Pleasure if possible; and
(d) leave a comment here with a link to where you’ve posted your entry (if, for some reason, you can’t comment, email me the details at nalinisinghwrites @ (without the spaces))
(e) do all this before midnight September 5th, 2008, PST.

So guess who is entering….here are my answers.

  1. Which fictional hero (from books, tv, movies…) would you most like to hold hostage? Who would I like to hold hostage…this is kind of a toughie. There are so many great heroes out there, but I think I’m going to have to go with the one man who always pops up in my head during this kinds of questions – Drake Vireo. He’s a dragon with a gold fetish that isn’t afraid to take what he wants. He’s the male eye candy in Katie MacAlister’s Aisling Grey series and there’s just something about him that stays in my head.
  2. Which fictional hero would you most like to be held hostage by? Honestly, Bones from Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series. No question about it. I love his speech patterns (aka accent) and after reading Chapter 32 from One Foot in the Grave, who wouldn’t want to be at his mercy.
  3. Which fictional world would you most like to be held hostage in? I’m thinking Keri Arthur’s world. Especially if I was being held hostage by a werewolf during the full moon cycle. Otherwise, I don’t think I really have a preference.
About Jackie 3282 Articles
I am a 30-something SAHM with two adorable boys and a supportive husband who is very tolerant of my reading addiction. I love to read and easily go through about a dozen books a month – well I did before I had kids. Now, not so much. After my first son was born, I began to take my hobby of reviewing a little more serious and started Literary Escapism to help with my sanity. I love to discuss the fabulous novels I’ve read and meeting all the wonderful people in the book blogging community has been amazing.

1 Comment

  1. 1) Drake??? really? but he’s such an ass! An anti hero.
    2) I’d like to be held hostage by Lucas from Slave to Sensation. He’s purrrrrrdy. ;)
    3) LOL. Hmmm. I really like the leopard pack changelings, but I don’t think I’d want to live in the psy world. They’re creepy.

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