Gotta Share the Love

It’s exciting…today is the first day of the Book Blogger Appreciation Week and Literary Escapism is participating. I have five different contests I’m running this week plus a couple of interviews (Karen Chance and Jayel Gibson) so I’m hoping to expand my reader base a little. On the flip side, I’m a blog junkie myself. While I don’t use Google Reader, I do use Sage, which is another RSS feeder, and I’m always excited when I see something new has popped up on their sites.  I bet you’re wondering why I’m bringing this up. It’s simple really, My Friend Amy has put up the first task for BBAW…

To get us started…you may have noticed that the blogs you love best and appreciate didn’t make the list of nominations! So today is your chance to thank them. Write a post thanking or highlighting the book blogs you love to read

So in the spirit of things, and because I probably wouldn’t be here without them, here are a few of my book blogging friends…

One I watch pretty closely in Amberkatze’s Book Blog. The two of us seem to have pretty similar tastes in novels and it’s really rare that I don’t like a book she’s recommended. Now there was a time that happened, but it was a book in a series we both liked (Undead and Unworthy by MJ Davidson), but Amber lives in Austria, while I’m in the US, and we both had two different covers. I’m of the firm belief that the covers are the reason for our disagreement.  Amber has also been a huge help whenever I have any questions regarding this whole book review gig.  She’s always willing to answer my questions.

Another site is American Bibliophile. I was friends with one of the brains behind this project and she asked me to join it a couple of years ago, where I ended up meeting her sister. They actually gave me my first taste at book reviewing and I had a lot of fun with it. We really don’t have the same preference in novels, but I’m always curious what’s being reviewed over there.

Another site, one that has been with me since the beginning of this venture, is Alpha Heroes.  Nicola’s not around as often as I am, but when she is, I can always count on a good recommendation or an interesting discussion.  Although, she does make me envious with how much she gets her hands on novels I really want before I do.  Plus, she helps me with my romance addiction.  I haven’t been reading straight romance for awhile (after 15 years of it, I needed a break), so I can always count on her for a quick fix.

I seriously have a dozen other blogs I watch, but so I don’t take up too much room sprouting out their laurels, I’ll just give you a run down…

  • Vampire Wire is always there whenever I need to know what’s going on in the vampire culture.
  • Urban Fantasy Land has all the latest news on anything UF and has some really good resources for finding new authors or film projects.
  • Bitten by Books offers so many reviews that I’m going to need a month straight to go through them all.
  • Darque Reviews is still relatively new to me, but Kimberly has been giving me a lot of good recommendations.
  • Sidhe Vicious Book Reviews is another place with some great reviews and interviews.  And it always seems like Judi has some kind of contest going on.
  • Sam’s Book Blog is another one that has been with me from the beginning.
  • Rhinoa’s Ramblings is a great place to find all sorts of books.  She’s always posting reviews for novels I’m not familiar with and is another culprit who continually adds to my TBR list.

So those are the sites I have a particular fondness for.  I watch their sites daily for whatever tidbits they want to throw our way and I’m never disappointed with what they offer.  So what sites do you guys like to watch?

About Jackie 3282 Articles
I am a 30-something SAHM with two adorable boys and a supportive husband who is very tolerant of my reading addiction. I love to read and easily go through about a dozen books a month – well I did before I had kids. Now, not so much. After my first son was born, I began to take my hobby of reviewing a little more serious and started Literary Escapism to help with my sanity. I love to discuss the fabulous novels I’ve read and meeting all the wonderful people in the book blogging community has been amazing.


  1. I didn’t realize you were as new as me! You seem like you’ve been at this for a long time. (thus concludes today’s meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society)

  2. Oh yeah, I’m not even a year old yet. I’ve been writing reviews for a few years, but mainly just on my everyday blog, but nothing on the scale that I do here. You want to know how the newsletters started…I would go through the author websites to see what they were up to and started writing down everything I wanted to remember. :) I figured, if I wanted to know, someone else did too.

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