Skin Trade & Chance Winner

So….I bet everyone is wondering who won the Karen Chance contest and will be getting a copy of Midnight’s Daugther delivered to their door when it’s released…I’m kind of curious too.  Sorry it’s taken me so long to get the winner posted, but I spent all day yesterday on the road and it completely slipped my mind.  Anyway, the lucky commenter is….LADY VAMPIRE who said…

I think I’d like to see ancient Egypt when the pyramids were being built or maybe travel back to the age of dinosaurs and see what they really looked like and how it was back then. But all of that is assuming I wont get stuck in said time frame or be vulnerable to any trouble while traveling there.”

The title for the next Anita Blake novel has been released. The 17th novel will be called Skin Trade. It’s an interesting title and I’m curious to see more of it.


Jordan Summers is having a contest for an ARC of her new novel, Red, which comes out Nov. 4th.

Shelley Munro, author of the Middlemarch Mates series, is guest blogging over at Shapeshifter Romance.

Marta Acosta, author of the Casa Dracula series, is guest blogging at Colleen Gleason’s blog.

Adrian Phoenix, author of Rush of Wings, guest blogs about her ghosts over at Patficia’s Vampire Notes. There’s even a contest, so go check it out.

About Jackie 3282 Articles
I am a 30-something SAHM with two adorable boys and a supportive husband who is very tolerant of my reading addiction. I love to read and easily go through about a dozen books a month – well I did before I had kids. Now, not so much. After my first son was born, I began to take my hobby of reviewing a little more serious and started Literary Escapism to help with my sanity. I love to discuss the fabulous novels I’ve read and meeting all the wonderful people in the book blogging community has been amazing.