I have quite a few winners to announce today, so let’s not delay.
a Middlemarch Mates novel by Shelley Munro
Literary Escapism had a wonderful visit from Shelley Munro, who is awesome and offered up a copy of one of her Middlemarch Mates novels. In order to enter, everyone had to answer the question: Why do you enjoy paranormal romances? The winning response belongs too…
SARAH who said: This sounds like a great series – I’m looking forward to reading it. I love paranormals for all of the reasons Shelly mentioned. There is something about an alpha male but I love the fact that anything is possible in paranormals. I love getting lost in a different world.
Congratulations Sarah!
a Destiny’s Trinities novel by Teal Ceagh
To celebrate the release of her new novel, Eva’s Last Dance, Teal Ceagh paid another visit to LE and she added a wonderful prize of, winner’s choice one of her Destiny’s Trinities novel. In order to enter, everyone had to answer the question: What if there really were real vampires?. The winning response belongs too…
EVA SB who said: If there are real vampires I’m sure I must have dated one as a teenager. I was such a bad boy magnet. But seriously…If Vampires decided to reveal themselves I can only imagine it would be because they had found a blood substitute or were intending to subjugate the human population. They could hardy imagine there would be enough humans who would willingly ‘donate’ fresh blood.
If they were accidentally discovered there would be new laws, anti-vampire vigilantes, vampire defense leagues and a ridiculous increase in the demand for and price of silver.
Congratulations Eva!
Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb
Harper Collins really loves me and sent me two copies of Robin Hobb’s Dragon Keeper which I was able to give both of them away. In order to enter, everyone had to answer the question: Tell me what your favorite fantasy novel is. The winning response belongs too…
Robin who said: Well I entered before but never heard anything, so trying again. I follow you twitter, facebook fan and feed. My favorite fantasy novel – The Mists of Avalon by Marian Zimmer Bradley. And if I win, I’ll review on all my blogs. :)
KMONT who said: I just realized I didn’t tell you my favorite fantasy novel. Typical of me not to see that – but I would have to say A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. I could actually choose so many others, but when I get questions like this it feels more right to go back to a book that inspired my reading habits to be where they are today.
Congratulations Robin and Kmont!
and Falling, Fly by Skyler White
To help celebrate my birthday, the FedEx man was amazing and dropped off a copy of Skyler White’s upcoming novel, and Falling, fly. Since I already had a copy, I’m passing it on to one lucky winner. In order to enter, everyone had to answer the question: what one book would you love to get for your birthday. The winning response belongs too…
INCiDeNT who said: I’m wanting The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter, I’m not sure of the determined date, but it’s sometime in July – as long as someone grabs it for me, I’d be happy. ;D
Congratulations Incident!
Contact Me
All winners need to contact me. Everyone has one week to send me an email at myjaxon AT gmail, otherwise I’ll draw new names when I post the current week contest winners next weekend. Please oh please everyone contact me though. I really don’t want to have to draw new names. :)
As always, I determined the winners by inputting all the entries into the List Randomizer, scrambling it up a couple of times, and then had the Research Randomizer pick a number.
Upcoming authors:
Jeri Smith-Ready will be here tomorrow and she is bringing quite the prize pack with her.
Also, are you fans on either Facebook and/or Twitter? If not, you might want to head over and check it out because I have a tendency to give out books there in flash contests. The only catch is you have to be paying attention to it as well. The reason I’m bringing this up…I need to go through my shelves again and I might be sticking a book up there within the next day or two.
Thank you so much – I’m really looking forward to reading Scarlet Woman :)
Congrats to the winners!
jackie b central texas
Woohoo! How sweet! Thank you very much and I’m looking forward to reading Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb. Sent you an email.
Yay! Congrats to myself and the other winners. I’m looking forward to getting my teeth in this book.
Congrats to you all! I hope you all enjoy the books!