Joss Whedon’s new online miniseries – Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog is alive and kicking. You can find the series at Dr. Horrible. Although, FYI, it’s getting hit pretty hard. I’ve already tried a couple of times to get to the site and it’s timed out on each time. I’m thinking the best time to view it will be later tonight, when I should be in bed, but I’m not.
Courtesy of Vampire Wire, here are a couple of interviews:
- Joss Whedon answers questions about “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog.” “The story was also geared toward the Internet audience — and not just by putting ‘blog’ in the title. The fact that Dr. Horrible does blog is part of his character, which is the guy alone in his room ranting about the world not being the way it should. ” (LA Times)
- Interview with Joss Whedon. “Everybody’s working from the models they know, either from TV or from the nascent internet entertainment structures. Throwing some of that out meant we can hopefully broaden people’s perceptions about what the internet represents.” (Wired)