Can you introduce yourself to my readers a little?
So yeah, I figured I should probably do one for myself so if people wanted to, they would know who to look for. I’m sure most everyone knows the basics – I’m a stay at home mom with a three year old monkey (with one on the way) and a husband who humors my obsession with books, which is the reason I started LE in the first place – to keep my sanity after having a kid and not working.
What people are probably not aware of is that I’m one of they shyest people around. Seriously. I’m usually the one in a crowded room, hanging out by the wall, people watching. I have a hard time going up to people and striking up conversations out of the blue. So if you see me, don’t hestitate to approach me. I’m going to try, but I get intimidated really easily. Plus, I’m probably going to be completely awestruck seeing all the different authors around. *grin*
Can you introduce us to the site that you have created?
Yeah, I’m not sure if I should answer this question or not. I mean, you’re here at the site already and I hope you’re a repeat visitor. If you’re not, LE focuses on fantasy and paranormal literature with a few others thrown in. It all really depends on my mood, but I try to review everything I’ve read (at some point) and I have no problem throwing up anything by anyone who wants a little spotlight time.
Some of the regular things you can see on LE are semi-daily news posts (during the winter, they generally appear on MWF since the monkey is in school; during the summer, hopefully it will be the same schedule), Sunday Surprise! which showcases random books I’ve come across, the monthly newsletter recapping the previous months news and the New Author Challenge (along with bimonthly mini challenges). I have also tried to make LE a resource for any reader who’s looking for something new or specific, which is why you can also find a series listing by genre, over 300+ author website links (although I haven’t counted them up, so that’s a rough estimate), a ton of SF/F/H reviewer links (thanks to Grasping for the Wind), my own ever growing TBR list (which has over 800+ books on it) and as many new release dates as I can find (currently over 200 for 2010 alone).
Will this be your first RT or are you a veteran? Any advice for those who are going for the first time?
This is definitely my first RT. I’ll be wandering the halls on Friday and Saturday (taking time out to hit the massive Book Fair – seriously, 300 authors in one room, so totally there). Something tells me I’m going to be a little overwhelmed by the whole event, but I’m going to try and have fun and see who I can bug.
I’m also excited since I’m getting the opportunity to interview a few authors while I’m there. I have confirmed interviews set up with Zoe Archer, Vicki Pettersson, Jenna Black, Nicole Peeler, Jackie Kessler, Juliet Blackwell, Ann Aguirre and Keri Arthur. Plus, from what I’ve heard, anything can happen at RT, so who knows what I’ll come home with.
Are you speaking on any panels during RT? Are there any you are looking forward to?
God no! Sorry, but I’m not the post proficient speaker and getting up in front of a crowd would not be a good thing. I prefer being the one who makes someone else look good.
However, even though I’m not going, there were a few panels I would have loved to attend:
- Vampire: Buffy and Female Empowerment featuring Caridad Piñeiro, Vivi Anna, L.A. Banks, Cathy Clamp, Angela Knight, Jeri Smith-Ready
- Paranormal: Would you like your happily ever after now or later? featuring Patrice Michelle, Anya Bast, Eden Bradley, MaryJanice Davidson, Jeri Smith-Ready
- Urban Fantasy: Alpha Males and the Kick-Ass Heroines Who Love Them featuring Richelle Mead, Keri Arthur, Shannon K. Butcher, S. J. Day aka Sylvia Day, Jeaniene Frost, Michelle Rowen and Jaye Wells
- Vampire: Count Who? featuring Caridad Piñeiro, Michele Bardsley, Carole Nelson Douglas, Jeanne C. Stein, Jaye Wells and Charlaine Harris
- Steampunk: What is it and where is it going? featuring Liz Maverick, Alisa Sheckley aka Alisa Kwitney
- Urban Fantasy: the Big Picture featuring Richelle Mead, Mario Acevedo, Kelley Armstrong, Vicki Pettersson, Jeanne C. Stein and Rachel Vincent
- SciFi/Fantasy: Fantasy and Romance: Two Flavors That Taste Great Together featuring Ann Aguirre, Leanna Renee Hieber, Stacia Kane, Jade Lee and Jeri Smith-Ready
- Vampire: Sixteen Going on a Thousand featuring Caridad Piñeiro, Heather Brewer, Jackie Kessler, Patrice Michelle and Angela Knight
- Steampunk: Steamy Steampunk featuring Nathalie Gray, Stacia Kane, Caitlin Kittredge, Liz Maverick, Kat Richardson and Mark Henry
- Vampire: Vamps, Tramps and Skeeves featuring Caridad Piñeiro, CT Adams, Mario Acevedo, Charlaine Harris, Kerrelyn Sparks and Vivi Anna
Plus there are a ton of different publisher spotlights that are spread through the week too. These are the ones that immediately caught my eye. There are still a ton of other ones going on. The three on Friday I may end up at, but it all depends on the interviews I have scheduled – those are totally taking top priority. So I don’t know what I’m doing yet.
If someone were wanting to meet up with you at RT, who should they look for?
Look for the eye! This may be my first book convention, but it’s not my first convention. I will be sporting at least one bag with the LE eye on it and I will definitely have some swag. I’m not totally sure what it is yet (well, at the time I wrote this, I probably do now), but there will be something. Updated: yup, I know what I’ll have – buttons with the eye on them. I won’t have many, so if you want one, find me sooner rather than later.
If you’re really looking for me, I’m 6 months pregnant and look it. Yes I have the belly, will be sporting maternity wear, and depending on the time of day, possibly the waddle as well. I will also be carrying around two bags (maybe one) that have the eye on them as well.
Yay! You did it! Hi!
I can’t wait to meet you Jackie! Thanks for all of your hard work, the authors have truly benefited from it! :D
It is great to see a little post on yourself. :) Thank you for sharing.
Yeah…I did one. Although there will be less gray in my hair at the con. I don’t generally make it disappear when I’m pregnant, but I am so doing it this time (and the hubby even approved it!).
I’m getting excited for it too. Although I so don’t feel prepared to be there.